This is just our fork of Refrapy by viictorjs (Victor Guedes).
We build upon the forks of github user spasquet and GGDRiedel.
- read segy and su file with headers
- read su file containing multiple shots
- get positions from headers, allowing unevenly spaced traces
- zoomed inset when picking to improve precision
- "remove pick" option with the middle button of the mouse
- default clip + positive fill wiggle display
- apply display (clip, time, gain, wiggle) changes to all opened shots
- add option to set maximum displayed time for all shots in 'plot options'
- add error (defined either relative or absolute) to sgt file
- less pop up messages to improve productivity
- and some other bug corrections
New dependency : tqdm
Introduction to the software and installation of dependencies
Using Refrapick for first-break picking
Using Refrainv to calculate velocity models
Have a question or found a problem?
Refrapy is a Python software package with a graphical interface for seismic refraction data analysis.
It is based on two modules: Refrapick and Refrainv.
All main dependencies are listed below:
It is recommended the use of Anaconda (, because it simplifies package management. Once it is installed, run the following commands on the Anaconda prompt (tested on Windows 10 system, with Python 3.8.13):
conda create -n refrapy python=3.8
conda activate refrapy
conda install obspy
conda install -c gimli -c conda-forge pygimli
conda install tqdm
pip install pmw
Once all the necessary packages are installed, extract, and the images folder to a directory on your computer. Sample data are also available for download.
You can execute the Python files by running:
The Refrapick program is used for basic waveform processing and for first breaks picking. The software is aimed to work mainly around SEG2 files, but all waveform formats readable by ObsPy ( can be used. However, there are a few conditions that need to be considered when reading multichannel waveform data. Waveform files with missing data traces cannot be used as input, which can occur with files that have already passed through some other processing software, where one or more traces were removed manually, probably due to being bad noisy data. Thus, it is recommended the use of original files (i.e., without any editing). Also, receivers and source position may not be well defined in the file header or may fail to be properly read. In such cases, instead of obtaining this information automatically (conventional attempt), dialog boxes appear so that the user can enter these required values.
The Refrainv program is used to run a time-terms and a traveltimes tomography inversion. The latter is powered by pyGIMLi ( The program presents an individual frame for each inversion method, where each frame has three main panels: the traveltime plotting panel (upper left), used to view and interact with the observed data; the fit and editing panel (upper right), used to edit traveltimes, by clicking on data points and dragging them up or down, and to view the graphical fit between the observed and calculated traveltimes; and the velocity model plotting panel (bottom).
We encourage users to open an issue in this repository when encountering an error or when in doubt about a functionality or any other subject regarding the use of the software. Please keep in mind that, in its current state, Refrapy is mantained by few active contributors that are not always available for development, so bug fixing might take some time to be properly adressed.
If you use Refrapy in your work, please consider citing the following paper:
Guedes, V.J.C.B., Maciel, S.T.R., Rocha, M.P., 2022. Refrapy: A Python program for seismic refraction data analysis, Computers and Geosciences.