Template-code for creating mobi files (e.g. to put it on your Kindle) from html pages. It's written for parsing wiki-summaries from neerc.ifmo.ru/wiki.
Structure is such:
- new_project.bash - creates the folder with name as argument 1 and copies blank settings.ini to new folder
- directory_parser.php - parses directory index of articles, saves it to directory_saved.php in current folder
- doc_downloader.php - downloads pages and images
- opf_generator.php - generates .opf, .ncx and toc.html files
- kindlegen/kindlegen - Kindlegen by Amazon
Sequence to get your mobi:
./new_project.bash prj_name
cd prj_name
nano settings.ini #fill in the settings
php ../directory_parser.php
nano directory_saved.php #Edit it, if you need to alter the structure
php ../doc_downloader.php
php ../opf_generator.php
../kindlegen/kindlegen book.opf
It will result in book.mobi in prj_name folder
Note if you're going to parse neerc's wiki: В параметр url в settings.ini вбивается ссылка версии для печати, пример: Конспекты лекций по математическому анализу, 1 курс (Н.Ю. Додонов)