This Neovim plugin uses lines to indicate code folding areas and highlights the current fold.

The line of the current fold is yellow. You can change the color by setting the FoldLineCurrent
highlight group.
Using lazy.nvim
-- init.lua:
event = "VeryLazy",
init = function()
-- change the char of the line, see the `Appearance` section
vim.g.fold_line_char_open_start = "╭"
vim.g.fold_line_char_open_end = "╰"
Use the highlight group FoldLine
to change the color of the line. Per default it links to Folded
And use the highlight group FoldLineCurrent
to change the color of the line of current fold. Per default it links to CursorLineFold
change the char of the line:
vim.g.fold_line_char_top_close = "+" -- default: fillchars.foldclose or "+"
vim.g.fold_line_char_close = "├" -- default: fillchars.vertright or "├"
vim.g.fold_line_char_open_sep = "│" -- default: fillchars.foldsep or "│"
vim.g.fold_line_char_open_start = "╭" -- default: "┌"
vim.g.fold_line_char_open_end = "╰" -- default: "└"
vim.g.fold_line_char_open_start_close = "╒" -- default: "╒"
vim.g.fold_line_char_open_end_close = "╘" -- default: "╘"
To show lines for the current fold only, set vim.g.fold_line_current_fold_only
to true
Set vim.g.fold_line_disable
(globally) or vim.w.fold_line_disable
(for a window) or vim.b.fold_line_disable
(for a buffer) to true