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Protocol overview

An address can make deposits of algo tokens in any amount to the application contract, keeping a secret receipt. The address and the deposited amount are public on the blockchain.

Then, with the secret receipt, any address can withdraw part, or all, of those tokens or send them to another address. The receiving address and the withdrawn amount will be public, but the source of the withdrawal, that is the original deposited amount and the original depositor address, will remain private.

Moreover, the withdrawal transaction will be signed by a smart signature provided by the protocol, so the receiving address can be a zero balance account (e.g., a new account with no history) since the smart signature will pay the transaction fees from the withdrawn amount.

For each withdrawal, the application will create a new deposit with the "change" amount (the difference between the original deposit and the withdrawal) to be used for future withdrawals with the same privacy guarantees. Even if the change is zero, a new "zero" amount deposit will be created to avoid leaking information.

Smart Contracts Implementation

There are two zk-circuits, deposit_circuit and verifier_circuit, described below.

The protocol is implemented onchain by the following components:

  • a main smart contract (APP) with the application logic
  • a deposit verifier smart signature (DV) to validate deposits' zk-proofs
  • a withdrawal verifier smart signature (WV) to validate withdrawals' zk-proofs
  • a treasury smart signature (TSS) to sign withdrawal transaction

The deposit and change receipts are stored in a merkle tree managed by APP

Users can make deposits and withdrawals as described below.


The user generates random K,R and computes
Commitment = hash(hash(Amount, K, R))

The user generates a proof using deposit_circuit with

Public inputs:  Amount

Private inputs: K

The proof proves that

Commitment = hash(hash(Amount,K,R))

The user sends a transaction group with two transactions:

  1. An app call to APP's deposit method signed by DV with args (proof, public inputs, sender)
  2. A payment of Amount tokens to APP from sender

If the proof is invalid the DV will reject and the transaction group fail

APP verifies that

  • The calling transaction is signed by DV
  • The next group transaction is a payment of Amount to APP from sender
  • Amount is at least 1 algo (minimum deposit requirement)

If all is verified, APP will inserts the deposit in the merkle tree


The user generates random K2,R2 and a proof using withdraw_circuit with

Public inputs:  Recipient  -> address for withdrawal
                Withdrawal -> amount for withdrawal
                Fee        -> amount for protocol expenses
                Commitment -> hash(Change, K2, R2)
                Nullifier  -> hash(Amount, K)
                Root       -> of merkle tree

Private inputs: K          -> old deposit secret K
                R          -> old deposit secret R
                Amount     -> old deposit amount
                Change     -> change tokens: Amount - Withdrawal - Fee
                K2         -> change (new deposit) secret value
                R2         -> change (new deposit) secret value
                Index      -> of (Amount,K,R) in merkle tree (old deposit)
                Path       -> Merkle proof for (Amount, K, R) at Index with Root

The merkle Path starts with value (Amount, K,R) not hashed, then its sibling, then all the parent nodes' siblings up to, but excluding the root.

The proof proves that:

Nullifier  == hash(Amount, K)
Commitment == hash(hash(Change, K2, R2))
Change     == Amount - Withdrawal - Fee
Change, Amount, Withdrawal, Fee are all >= 0
Amount,K are the initial part of Path[0] (which is Amount,K,R)
Path is a valid merkle proof for value (Amount,K,R) at Index with Root

The user sends a transaction group with two transactions:

  1. An app call to APP's withdraw method signed by WV with args (proof, public inputs, recipient, no_change, extra_txn_fee)
  2. An (optional) app call to APP's noop method signed by the TSS to cover the transaction fees

If the proof is invalid the DV will reject and the transaction fail

APP verifies that

  1. Nullifier has not been previously spent
  2. Root is a valid root
  3. Fee is at least max(10^5, 0.1% * Withdraw) (10^5 microalgo == 0.1 algo)

If all is verified, APP

  • adds Nullifier to the list of used nullifiers
  • sends Withdrawal tokens to the Recipient minus optional extra network fees as described below
  • sends Fee tokens to TSS plus optional extra network fees
  • inserts Change in the merkle tree

TSS (if invoked) verifies that

  1. the previous transaction in the group is a call to APP's withdraw method as per above
  2. the current transaction is an app call to APP's noop method
  3. the transaction fee is not higher than what is required to pay all fees

If the user wants the TSS to pay for more than minimum fees to the Algorand network (e.g., for congestion), it can specify that to the Contract and the extra fee will be subtracted to the Withdrawal amount.

After a successful withdrawal, the user is now able to withdraw Change in the future using the new Commitment

If the tree is full, the user can withdraw but no new change can be inserted. So if the user withdraws less than the total amount, the change is locked forever in the contract. To make sure the user is aware that the tree is full, the parameter no-change has to be set to true.

Other implementation details

Merkle Tree

The commitments to the deposits (user deposits or "change" deposits) are stored in a merkle tree on-chain. For storage efficiency, we can store on-chain only the path from the last inserted leaf to the root; this is sufficient to compute the new root on new insertions.

With a 24 level tree which can support 2^24 leaves, that is over 16 million deposits/changes, and a 32 byte tree node representation, the storage requirement will be 24 * 32 = 768 bytes, excluding the root.

We maintain on-chain the last 50 roots for user convenience to support concurrent operations, so we need an additional 50 * 32 = 1600 bytes

Note that frontends will need to read from the blockchain all the inserted leaves to compute merkle proofs and build withdrawal transactions.


Nullifiers are needed to prevent a deposit to be withdrawn from twice. With a 24 level merkle tree, eventually up to over 16 million nullifiers need to be stored on-chain (using boxes) and paid by the application; this is one reason why the application needs to charge a fee.


To avoid a situation where concurrent transactions submit a withdrawal zk-proof using the same recent tree root and only the first can succeed, the application maintains a list of the last 50 roots and checks withdrawal proofs against them.

Hash function

We need a zk-friendly hash function to hash the merkle tree nodes and the AVM provides MiMC for that.


The DVC and WVC are generated by AlgoPlonk from the circuits' definitions; AlgoPlonk uses gnark for circuit compilation and for proof generation and can be used by frontends for the latter.

AlgoPlonk offers a trusted setup for both curves BN254 and BLS12-381 but only the BN254 setup is large enough to support the withdrawal circuit so we use curve BN254.


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