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godane edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the archiso2 wiki!

To build the livecd you first have to do is clone the github.

git clone git://
git checkout archiso-live

Your going to need to install:
- mkinitcpio
- cdrkit
- squashfs-tools
- aufs2
- aufs2-util
- devtools
- syslinux
- fuse (for adding into initramfs)
- ntfs-3g (for adding into initramfs)
- ntfsprogs (for adding ntfsmount into initramfs)

Now you need to go into archiso folder and run this in /path/to/archiso2/archiso/ folder in shell:

source exports

cd ../configs/archiso-live

./build makeiso

When done you should have a working livecd.

Clone this wiki locally