syam{p} |pronounced as simp| brings the full power of the Linux Shell directly to your web browser. Run commands, monitor and kill programms etc in real time.
I built this app so that i can control and monitor programs on my Raspberypi B+ 2 running snappy ubuntu core 15.04. Currently, i use my laptop for this(i ssh into my pi). I hate that i have to move to my computer room to power of my pi when am outside hunging out with friends, having my lunch or just feeling lazy to get out of bed when iam sleepy.
Now i can use my phone!
You need to run syamp on the system you want to monitor. syam{p} only supports linux at the moment.
go get
go run syamp.go
go run syamp.go ""
syam{p} runs an https server. All your commands are encypted with a 2048bit key in transit.
UserID: gopher
Password: root

The User interface is simple, morden and easy to work with.
MIT see license file.
kampamba chanda (a.k.a kampsy).