20241003 - adding new route for pdfs loading from a folder - "/gg" (glucose goddess). We have multiple pdfs in a folder.
- ai/gg.py ->
- routes.py -> new route defined: gg
- templates/gg.html -> html template for displaying relevant data
- static/gg.js -> js for gg.html template
- working with sqlite, but needs some restrictions, as currently whole db is going into chat_history . . not ok, too large input
20240928 - finaly working transcription
20241002 - Should be working, but the fact that all the db gets called everytime a LLM request is made, quickly fills the context. Should be fixed.
20241002 - added tts to chat.js, so that messages are read. Had quite some problems with definig paths in route/chat, but made it work with fetch after all.
test_persistance.py --> added memory logic, with SQAlchemy and sqlite.
Training with Flask, LLMs, Chats, LangChain, ChatGroq, VoiceControl
python main.py