This is a Adonis V5 API Only template with examples using relations 1:n and 1:1.
I mixed a few stuff between portuguese/english because I forgot that this was going to be a template, but I'll fix that later.
If you just installed this template or cloned this repository, you'll need to setup the project in your local machine. If you need instructions, you can just use the following commands after cloning the project:
$ cp .env.example .env
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
This template use the most recent @AdonisJs packages and will be constantly updated to reflect the current Alpha Release Version.
It was built with the following specs:
1- User Entity (name, email, password)
2- Register/Login using Email and Password as credentials
3- JWT Authentication (Token generation and middleware)
4- Client Entity: just basic setup but handling birth_date and formatting dates.
5- Address Entity: with relationship to User (belongsTo - 1:1)
6- Telephone Entity: with relationship to User (belongsTo - n:1)
7- All the relationships are bidirectional (belongsTo / hasOne or belongsTo / hasMany)
This template comes bundled with an Insomnia file to help you get started using Insomnia
We've made a small setup to run tests on this project. The idea was not to write all tests for the sample, but at least a starting point to write your own tests.
Just checkout this README
Credits first of all to the creators of AdonisJs, but this template was developed by @gusflopes