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Empowering Neighborhood Associations to improve the analysis of their initiatives using 311 data


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311-Data v1.2


"Democratizing public data to improve community initiatives"

Each day, Los Angelenos report thousands of 311 requests all across LA to resolve issues such as illegal dumping and graffiti in their neighborhoods. These requests are then received by relevant agencies, such as the Police, Building and Safety, or Department of Transportation. The agency responds to the request, addresses it, and then closes it once it is fixed. Thanks to Mayor Eric Garcetti's Open Data Initiative, the expansive amount of data associated with these 311 requests is available online.

We are a group of volunteers with diverse backgrounds who share a common vision: To make 311 request data more accessible and useful for our diverse communities and their representatives through visualization and data science.

By leveraging technology, we can empower local residents and the representatives of our Neighborhood Councils to

  • Access
  • Analyze
  • Visualize

the service request data that gets submitted to Los Angeles's 311 system at

Our application is open source, built and maintained by volunteers throughout our community, and provides two primary modes of operation:

  1. An interactive map showing where different types of 311 requests are being submitted
  2. Dashboards that show what types of requests are being made, how quickly they're being resolved, how different councils compare, and more


Our mission is to create a user-friendly platform for anyone interested in exploring 311 service requests so that they can immediately gain actionable insights. If you would like to contribute as a volunteer, please visit the Open Roles Board.

Project Technology

  • Node.js
  • React.js
  • Duckdb-wasm
  • Redux
  • Material-UI 5.x

Data Analysis

  • Python
  • Pandas


  • Figma
  • Google Drive

Quick Start

Install Node.js

  • Ensure that node version manager (nvm) is installed (e.g. follow a tutorial)
  • Run nvm install lts/hydrogen (on windows nvm install hydrogen)
  • Run nvm use lts/hydrogen (on windows nvm use hydrogen)
  • Confirm you are using Node 18 by running node -v (e.g. Now using node v18.7.0 (npm v8.9.2))

Set up environment/variables

  • Clone the repo
  • Run cd 311-data/
  • Run cp .example.env .env
  • Edit your new .env and supply a valid VITE_MAPBOX_TOKEN. If you are a member of hack4la, please contact someone in 311-engineering for one.
  • Run npm run setup

Start the development server

Run tests

  • Run npm test

See for info on writing tests.

Information About Technologies

  • Frontend
    • Mapbox
    • React
    • MUI
    • Vite
    • Vitest
    • React Testing Library
  • Backend
    • DuckDb
    • HuggingFace
    • python data transform + Github Actions
    • DbProvider + Context
    • Data Export Queries
    • Bot Email + Support Ticket Automation


Public data used in this project:

The source code for this project is based on the original 311-Data v2-aws release.