Information hub for the Civic platform
Hack Oregon is partnered with early adopters from the City of Portland and Civic Apps to reimagine the concept of an interactive open data portal, called CIVIC, which can serve to inform and engage the public as well as provide insight to City operations and decision making.
This year, we’re designing and building a platform to publish all our projects as dynamic story collections powered by open APIs. Story collections will be highly custom based on each team’s perspective, but will all include a mix of data visualization, data science and analysis, and creative content.
Many of the data sources we are working with this year have never been machine-readable or available online. Even if a data source is not used in a story, we have the intent to make data sources securely, searchable, and accessible through linked APIs. In all possible cases, we will make our best attempt to create for interdepartmental compatibility between data sources.
Budget | Housing | Transportation | Emergency Response | Homelessness
CIVIC platform product design specs, assets, and style guides
Data Science
Project Description: Highlight the City of Portland’s budget data in a neutral manner, so that users can quickly and efficiently understand its components, view basic spending trends, and dive deeper into bureau-level budgets.
Budget team backend and data repo
Endpoint Reference: Swagger API Reference
Project Description: Explore how the city and its neighborhoods have changed over time, from the perspective of 12 representative households. How does your story of the housing crisis compare with those of your neighbors living in households unlike your own?
Housing team backend and data repo
Endpoint Reference: Swagger API Reference
Project Description:
Transportation team informational repo
Transportation team backend and data repo
Transportation team front-end repo
Endpoint Reference: Swagger API Reference
Project Description: We are collaborating with Portland Fire and Rescue to take data relating to their emergency calls and build interesting dashboards, visualizations, and simulations.
Emergency Response team data and informational repo
Emergency Response team backend repo
Emergency Response front-end repo
Endpoint Reference: Swagger API Reference
Project Description: Visualizing and developing understanding of a moment in time of the demographics and definitions of homelessness in Portland.
Homelessness team backend and data repo
Homelessness team front-end repo
Endpoint Reference: Swagger API Reference