- gscopy source destination [ copies source to destination, if source file exists ]
- gscopy source destination move [ moves source file to destination ]
- gscopy source dest write [ reads source file into mem buffer, then writes full buffer at once to dest file ]
- gscopy src dest write 16384 [ read & write 16384 bytes block data (same as dd if=src of=dest bs=16384) ]
File.Copy, no matter if made with Windows Explorer, command copy, xcopy or programs, that use File.Copy Windows Api call, creates a new file or overwrites an existing file, where Created Date = now, Last Modified Date = Last Modified Date of original file
File.Move, no matter if made with Windows Explorer, Command move or programs, that use File.Move Windows Api call, creates a new file or overwrites an existing file, where Created Date = created Date of original file Last Modified Date = Last Modified Date of original file
File Write, no matter, if Console Application, Windows Application or Windows Service or what ever, creates a new or overwrites an existing file, where Created Date = now Last Modified Date = now