A logic game as a programming exercise. Find the shortest path of a chess knight on chessboard.
There are multiple strategies to this problem - only one is implemented so far(Breadth-first search). A tree of all possible moves is built gradually and the result is evaluated at each depth level.
Other suggested strategies to improve performance:
- divide the board into smaller parts first
- only try offsets that aim to the final square initially
- try several depth level at once (can be also slower - can be nicely combined with previous point)
Clone the repository.
If you want to run tests, run Composer.
php composer install
Not covered all so far - only integration tested thoroughly.
php vendor/bin/phpunit tests
// create a board o size 8x8
$board = new Board(8);
$finder = new ShortestPathFinder(
new Knight(), // set a piece that is used
new SquareArrayInterpreter(), // set how you want to get the result as
// the strategy to find the path
$finder->setStrategy(new TreeStrategy());
// result will depend on the interpreter, in this case it will return all the visited squares
$result = $finder->findShortestPath(
- Debug interpreter shows time and memory consumption.