This project was created to exemplify a backend application using Kotlin and Spring Boot
It uses Gradle for dependency management
It also has a Swagger service to document an Open API\
The app loads the CSVs in the resources folder into an in memory database at startup. And provides two URLs to query the results
For finding the restaurants based on some optional parameters in the JSON:
"restaurantName": "string",
"customerRating": 0,
"distance": 0,
"price": 0,
"cuisine": "string"
Get all the cuisines available
Azure deployed live demo
Since its hosted in a free tier Azure container, the application may take some time to startup
IntelliJ IDE provides great Gradle and Kotlin support. So I recommend using it to build and run the project in development.
Alternatively, gradlew and a Dockerfile are available in the project's root folder and it can be run with the following commands.
build the project jar file with:
gradlew bootJar
create a docker image running:
docker build --build-arg JAR_FILE=build/libs/*.jar -t henrique/restaurantfinder .
run the docker container:
docker run -p 8080:8080 henrique/restaurantfinder
You can also download the latest working image from my personal docker hub:
docker pull henriqueantuness/restaurantfinder:1.0.1
And run it on docker:
docker run -p 8080:8080 henriqueantuness/restaurantfinder:1.0.1
When the app is running, acces the url:
Swagger creates an easy way to make API calls to the application, so you can run your tests.
It also provides a documentation for the API, so you can see what parameters are necessary for each request.
Unit testing was done using JUnit5 and Spring Boot.
The tests mock the application and run some POSTs and GET requests to the API and assert the results.