Here's an overview of all available extensions for our cross-linking search engine MS Annika. Clicking on the specific extensions will take you to their repository where you will find more information!
- MS Annika Exporters: Export MS Annika crosslink results to different file formats for different down-stream analysis tools. Available exporters are:
- Export to xiNET
- Export to xiVIEW
- Export to xiFDR
- Export to pyXlinkViewer (pyMOL)
- Export to XLMS-Tools
- Export to XMAS (ChimeraX)
- Export to PAE Viewer
- MS Annika Spectral Library Exporter: Generate a spectral library for Spectronaut from MS Annika results.
- MS Annika FDR: A script and functions to group and validate MS Annika results.
- MS Annika Combine Results: A script to merge and optionally validate several MS Annika search results.
- MS Annika CSM Annotation: Calculates fragment intensities and doublet intensities of cross-linked peptides from MS Annika CSMs.
- Crosslink Utilities: Various helper scripts for crosslink analysis.
- Scan Number Repair Tool: A simple python script to fix scan numbers in result files generated by Proteome Discoverer.
In case something isn't working or you need assistance with MS Annika or one of the extensions, please open up an issue in the MS Annika repository. You can also reach us directly via the email addresses below.