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Releases: hoarder-app/hoarder


02 Feb 17:40
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Welcome to the 0.22.0 release of Hoarder! This is a lightweight release given the recent events. This release introduces Webhook support, SingleFile support, bookmark sorting, and a lot of fixes! As usual, welcoming our new contributors @hanguofeng, @dakshpareek, @danielvigaru, @techtrd & @meysam81 (and a lot more translators on weblate)!

If you enjoy using Hoarder, consider supporting the project here ☕️ or via GitHub here.

New Features 🚀

  • Webhook support (by @hanguofeng): Hoarder can now be configured to send webhooks whenever a new bookmark is created/edited. You can use that to trigger further automation/actions in external apps.
  • SingleFile Support: Hoarder now supports being a destination for the SingleFile extension. This allows you to store content from websites that requires authentication for example which wasn't possible before. Read more about how to configure it here.
    • This is an experimental feature and is meant to be a stopgap until native support for it in the extension is added.
    • Currently, screenshotting for websites archived this way is not supported. We're planning to add it in a future release.
  • Summarization Prompt Customization: Similar to the tagging prompts, you can now customize the summarization prompt with your own custom rules in the "AI Settings" page.
  • Bookmark Sorting (by @dakshpareek): You can now sort your bookmark grid by newest/oldest.

UX Improvements ✨

  • You can now search by bookmark types with the new search qualifiers is:link, is:text or is:media.
  • Smart list dialog now contains a link to the query language documentation and also shows the parsed query as you write it.
  • @danielvigaru fixed the margins of the lists page in the mobile app.

For Developers 🛠️

  • Hoarder now tracks bookmark modification times and exposes it in themodifiedAt field in the bookmark schema. This can be useful that uses the API for syncing changes.
  • @techtrd landed a bunch of improvements to the kubernetes documentation and templates! Check it out at this link.

Fixes 🐛

  • Mobile image uploads has been broken for a while (I'm sorry!). This is now fixed and pending google/apple's review for the release (it's a client side bug).
  • Installing hoarder on ubuntu/LXC containers got broken last week due to one un pinned linter dependency. This is now fixed.
  • Background job timeouts sometimes used to result into duplicate full page archives (which eats a ton of storage). This should be now fixed.
  • Mobile app sign in page used to sometimes flicker rapidly if you enter it with the keyboard open (I hate mobile app development!). This is now fixed.
  • Search queries for tags/lists that starts with "and"/"or" (such as #android) where not getting correctly parsed. This is now fixed.
  • The highlight feature from last release was making it hard to copy content from articles you saved. This is now fixed.
  • You no longer need to set NEXTAUTH_URL_INTERNAL as it's now baked into the docker image.
  • Doing a bulk action with 150+ bookmarks selected no longer fails.
  • The url qualifier in search now also matches the source URLs of assets (e.g. when you clip a quote from a website using the extension).
  • RSS fetcher now uses firefox's user agent thanks to @meysam81.
  • Tags that was attached at least once by humans will no longer show up in the "AI tags" section in the "All Tags" page.
  • Default max upload size has been increased to 50MB instead of 4MB.
  • Spanish translation wasn't working, this is fixed now. We've also added Hungarian translation.

Community Projects 💡

Checkout our community projects page here. We're featuring two community projects in this release:

Obsidian Sync Plugin

By @jhofker

An Obsidian plugin that syncs your Hoarder bookmarks with Obsidian, creating markdown notes for each bookmark in a designated folder. Get it here, or install it directly from Obsidian's community plugin store (link).

Hoarder's Pipette

By @DanSnow

A chrome extension that injects hoarder's bookmarks into your search results (inspired by linkding-injector). Get it here.

Screenshots 📸

Webhook Settings

Screenshot 2025-02-02 at 5 03 26 PM

Bookmark Sorting

Screenshot 2025-02-02 at 5 04 02 PM

Query Explanation in List Dialogs

Screenshot 2025-02-02 at 5 16 23 PM

Upgrading 📦

To upgrade:

  • If you're using HOARDER_VERSION=release, run docker compose pull && docker compose up -d.
  • If you're pinning it to a specific version, upgrade the version and then run docker compose pull && docker compose up -d.

All Commits


05 Jan 16:36
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0.21.0 - The 10k ⭐ release!

Welcome to the 0.21.0 release of Hoarder! Hoarder just hit 10k stars on github and I can't be more grateful! We wouldn't have hit this milestone without all of our contributors, users and the awesome community at /r/selfhosted! Over the holidays, Hoarder got featured at the homepage of hackernews for an entire day!

We're celebrating this milestone, with a release that contains some of the long awaited features! This release introduces advanced search capabilities, smart lists, highlighting support, a TypeScript SDK, and more! As usual, we're excited to welcome our new contributors: @lexafaxine, @jdhartley, @medo & @circuitcreature!

If you enjoy using Hoarder, consider supporting the project here ☕️ or via GitHub here.

New Features 🚀

  • Advanced Search Capabilities: Hoarder's search just got much more powerful. You can now add search "qualifiers" to refine your search results. Qualifiers include: tags, lists, favourite/archived status, creation date, etc. You can read about the new query language here. Some examples:
    • is:fav after:2024-01-01 before:2024-12-31: Find all the bookmarks that are favourited and created in 2024.
    • (#neovim or #vscode) and -is:archived: Find all the non-archived bookmarks that are tagged either with #neovim or #vscode.
    • is:archived -is:inlist: Find all the bookmarks that are archived but are not sorted in any list.
    • neovim: Find all the bookmarks that were hoarded from github and contains the neovim term in its content.
    • Special shoutout to @kamtschatka who first advocated for the powerful search language and did the first implementation.
  • Smart Lists: With the new powerful search, hoarder now allows you to save your searches as what we're calling "smart lists". Smart lists saves you the hassle of manually managing lists, and allows you create an automatic lists that dynamically matches a specific search query. For example:
    • Instead of manually managing a list called 3d Printing, you can now create a smart list with the query or or #3dprinting. Which will include everything you hoarded from popular 3d printing websites and everything the AI/you tagged with the 3d printing tag.
    • A smart list with the query and is:fav will include all the stuff that you hoarded from the r/selfhosted subreddit and favourited.
  • Highlighting Support: You can now highlight your favourite quotes from the links that you hoard, and have a way to view all what you've highlighted. This was one of the most requested features specially for those coming to Hoarder from Omnivore.
  • Linkwarden Import: You can now import your bookmarks from Linkwarden thanks to @circuitcreature).
  • More translations: Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Galician, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish & Turkish. Thanks to all those who contributed those translations over weblate (@Jaksa101, @bcanata, @KilFer, @mathyvds and more on weblate).

UX Improvements ✨

  • The admin page now features a sidebar layout, for a more consistent experience with the settings page.
  • Bookmarks created over a year ago now show the creation year in the card footer (@jdhartley).
  • Added a confirmation dialog before deleting bookmarks to prevent accidental deletions (by @lexafaxine).
  • Previously, search used to show only at most 20 bookmarks. This now fixed, and you can scroll across search results.

For Developers 🛠️

  • We're now publishing a minimal typescript sdk on npm. This allows you to quickly call hoarder's API endpoints with strong typing in both the requests and responses.
  • The search endpoint is now exposed in the REST API as GET /bookmarks/search with the support for advanced search queries.
  • You can now manipulate the assets attached to a bookmark with the new /bookmarks/assets/... endpoints.
  • The new highlights feature is also available via the API in /bookmarks/highlights/... endpoints.

Fixes 🐛

  • Fix missing scrollbar in the preview model for long notes.
  • Refactored asset serving to not load the entire asset in memory. This should result in lower memory consumption when serving large assets (e.g. videos and full page archives).
  • Added support for self signed certs for android by @CrypticC3s4r (pending mobile app release).
  • Previously the iOS app didn't allow connecting to hoarder over http, this limitation should no longer by there (pending mobile app release). Though honestly, you probably shouldn't be serving hoarder over http.
  • Mobile devices without cameras (e.g. eink tablets) were not able to install the app. This is now fixed (pending a mobile app release).

Community Projects 💡

Checkout our community projects page here.

Screenshots 📸

Highlights Support

Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 4 29 59 PM Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 4 30 08 PM Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 4 30 23 PM

Smart Lists

Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 4 32 16 PM

The new Admin Page

Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 4 33 30 PM

Upgrading 📦

To upgrade:

  • If you're using HOARDER_VERSION=release, run docker compose pull && docker compose up -d.
  • If you're pinning it to a specific version, upgrade the version and then run docker compose pull && docker compose up -d.

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22 Dec 11:21
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Welcome to the 0.20.0 release of Hoarder! This release adds internationalization support, new markdown editor, mobile app improvements, broken link management and more! As usual, we're welcoming our new contributors: @Tukks, @vhsdream, @sweepies, @PeterDaveHello, @wuast94 and @eltociear!

If you're enjoying Hoarder, you can consider supporting it here ☕️ or via github here.

New Features

  • Hoarder's UI now comes in multiple languages!
    • You can change the language of the UI now to English, German, French, Swedish, Simplified and Traditional Chinese.
    • If you want to see your language there or want to improve some existing translation, you can do that via weblate here.
  • New experimental WYSIWYG markdown editor for notes by @Tukks!
    • You'll now get a preview of the notes you're writing as you're writing them!
  • A bunch of mobile app improvements:
    • You can now manage tags from the app. Super overdue, I know.
    • We have a new cleaner "info" page with the ability to edit title/tags/lists all in one page.
    • The mobile app now looks slightly more native. We've got rid of the dedicated search tag, switched to native modals, and used native page headers when possible.
    • Note: The apps are yet to be approved by apple & google.
  • Broken Link management:
    • Hoarder now stores the status codes it got when crawling websites which will allow you to identify and decide what to do about broken links.
    • This is now mainly useful for people doing large imports into hoarder, but in the future, we'll use the same mechanism to support automatic link liveness healthchecks.
  • Chrome as an optional dependency (aka minimal installation):
    • Chrome is no longer a hard dependency. This is useful for people running hoarder in resource constrained environments.
    • If you don't specify a BROWSER_WEB_URL, hoarder will fallback to a plain HTTP requests to the websites you add instead of crawling them with chrome.
    • Without chrome, you'll lose the ability to get screenshots from the websites you crawl, and websites that heavily rely on javascript won't work properly.
    • With chrome and meilisearch being optional dependencies, you can now get a single-container minimal installation of hoarder by sacrificing some of the features.
  • New installation methods:
    • Debian / Ubuntu one click installation script (docs) by @vhsdream
    • If you're a proxmox user, you can also get a one click LXC container running hoarder using proxmox's helper scripts again thanks to @vhsdream.
    • PikaPod (docs) are now offering paid hoarder hosting (~$3/month) for the less tech savvy folks out there. Disclaimer: they're sharing some of their revenue from Hoarder with us.
  • Tags placeholder in AI prompt customization:
    • You can use the placeholders $tags, $aiTags, $userTags in the prompt. These placeholders will be replaced with all tags, ai generated tags or human created tags when automatic tagging is performed thanks to @kamtschatka.
    • With that, you can use this to instruct the LLM to only use existing tags (instead of coming up with new ones). Be careful though if you have a lot of tags as it might increase the cost of the tagging significantly.
    • This mechanism is just a temporary solution. We're working on a mechanism to support this natively, in a much cheaper way.
  • New community projects documentation page (here):
    • With the release of the REST API in the last version, we started seeing some community projects pop up. So we're starting a new documentation page to list them out for visibility.
    • Hoarder now has a raycast extension and an alfred workflow thanks to @foru17 and @yinan-c. Go install them now!
    • If you develop a new extension for hoarder, let us know as we'd love to feature it in that page!
  • Others:
    • We've added the ability to show admin warnings in the admin panels for misconfigurations or future migrations.

UX Improvements

  • We're now trimming email addresses out of whitespaces during signin thanks to @sweepies!


  • AI summarization sometimes included the LLM's response to the prompt (e.g. "Ok, I'll summarize ..."). We're now instructing the model to only respond with the summary.
  • Fix broken homepage when hitting a bookmark with an invalid image URL.
  • Multiple worker reliability improvements specially in countries with restricted internet.
    • The worker container doesn't need to download pnpm on startup anymore as it's now bundled in the container.
    • The crawler's adblock list download now has a timeout and can be completely bypassed with CRAWLER_ENABLE_ADBLOCKER=false.
    • The worker was sometimes hanging in the screenshot call. This now has a timeout as well.


The new Markdown Editor

Screenshot 2024-12-22 at 12 59 10 PM

Broken Link Management

Screenshot 2024-12-22 at 1 04 43 PM

Mobile App Improvements

New options at the bottom of the bookmark preview page


Tag Management

The new info page

Admin Notices

Screenshot 2024-12-22 at 12 57 10 PM Screenshot 2024-12-22 at 12 57 20 PM

Raycast extension and Alfred workflows

Those screenshots are from the authors of the extensions.

Raycast extension by @foru17


Alfred workflow by @yinan-c



To upgrade:

  • If you're using HOARDER_VERSION=release, run docker compose pull && docker compose up -d.
  • If you're pinning it to a specific version, upgrade the version and then run docker compose pull && docker compose up -d.

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09 Nov 16:22
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Welcome to the 0.19.0 release of Hoarder! This release is packed with a lot of new features! The long awaited REST APIs, RSS subscriptions, AI summarization, Image OCR, archiving videos, importing from Omnivore, and more!

If you're enjoying Hoarder, you can consider supporting it here ☕️.

New Feature

  • RSS Subscriptions 🧪: You can now subscribe to RSS feeds and Hoarder will automatically pull them every hour.
    • You can use this to auto hoard stuff from your favourite blogs, subreddits, or youtube channels.
    • This feature is still experimental and haven't been tested on a a wide variety of feeds. Please file issues whenever you face any problems using it.
  • The long awaited REST API is here. You can view the API docs here.
    • You can view the OpenAPI spec here in case you want to generate clients for it. I'm planning to offer an official Typescript SDK some time in the future.
  • AI Summarization: Hoarder now has the ability to generate summaries for the links that you hoard! Check the screenshots section to see it in action.
    • Currently, summarization is a manual action. In the future, we'll add support for auto summarization.
  • Video downloads: For ultimate hoarding, Hoarder now has the ability to download videos from the links that you hoard (e.g. youtube) thanks to @kamtschatka.
    • Given that videos can be huge, this is an opt-in feature. You can enable it with CRAWLER_VIDEO_DOWNLOAD=true. Find more configuration options here.
    • Hoarder uses ytdl under the hood, and you can find their list of supported files here.
  • Omnivore Imports: Omnivore is shutting down. You can now import your bookmarks from Omnivore into Hoarder. Check the documentation here.
  • User Management: Admins can now reset user passwords, change their roles and even create new users thanks to @kamtschatka.
  • Image OCR: Hoarder will now attempt to read and index text in the images that you hoard! Check the configuration variables here.
  • Others:
    • @kamtschatka Added authentication failure logging in case you want to configure fail2ban against hoarder logs.

UX Improvements

  • We have a new redesigned settings page to better support the new options we're adding. Check it out in the screenshot section.
  • You can use Cmd/Ctrl + K to quickly focus on Hoarder's searchbar.
  • We reverted the mobile apps to again view webpages inline, but now added buttons for quick actions underneath it.


  • Single new lines in notes were getting lost in markdown. @kamtschatka fixed that.
  • Pocket switched their export format to CSVs instead of their old format. Hoarder now supports importing the new format.
  • Tags that had numbers or dashes in them were getting skipped, this is now fixed. Thanks @MakeSomeGood for the bug report and investigation!
  • The All Tags page was getting very slow when there's a lot of tags. This turned out to be a small misconfiguration in the database that we fixed.
  • Custom prompts had a max length of 100, which wasn't enough to some people. The new limit is 500.


AI Summarization

RSS Feeds & New Settings Page

Screenshot 2024-11-09 at 4 11 59 PM

Admin User Management

Screenshot 2024-11-09 at 4 15 47 PM


To upgrade:

  • If you're using HOARDER_VERSION=release, run docker compose pull && docker compose up -d.
  • If you're pinning it to a specific version, upgrade the version and then run docker compose pull && docker compose up -d.

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13 Oct 14:50
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Welcome to the 0.18.0 release of Hoarder! This release introduces customizable tagging rules (aka customizing the prompt), new UI look, selective full page archives, infinite scrolling, more bulk actions and more! As usual, we'd like to welcome our first time contributors @jarednipper, @Trugamr, @cedmax and @CrypticC3s4r! We also have @lucius346346 working behind the scene on improving the UX of Hoarder with amazing designs! And finally, we have our usual contributors @kamtschatka and @mdsaban! Also thanks to @Papierkorb for the help in suggestions to improve the LLM prompt!

We also now have a public roadmap which you can check for the features that we're planning to deliver here. Go upvote the features that you're waiting for!

If you're enjoying Hoarder, you can consider supporting it here ☕️.

New Feature

  • Introducing customizable tagging rules: You can now customize the prompt that we use to generate the tags to your linkings and add custom rules for the LLM to adhere to!
    • You can use this to define your tagging rules in natural language and let the LLM take care of applying it.
  • If you don't want to enable "Full page archives" by default, you can now selectively archive particular pages that you want to keep forever thanks to @kamtschatka!
  • You can now export your bookmarks from Hoarder and re-import them back in another instance (note: currently images and pdfs are not exported).
  • You can now customize the context length of the inference model using the INFERENCE_CONTEXT_LENGTH flag:
    • The bigger this value is, the more of your content the model will see and will be able to give you better tagging.
    • However, the bigger the context window, the more expensive the request is for OpenAI money-wise and for ollama resource-wise.
    • The current default is 2048 tokens (~2048 words).
  • Better asset tracking and management:
    • We're now currently correctly accounting for all asset sizes in the database. You can view the usage of every user now in the admin panel.
    • Old assets are not automatically accounted for and you'll have to click the new Compact Asset button in the admin panel to backfill that data. This button also removes assets that are dangling (aka not linked to any bookmark).
    • This work is in preparation for supporting better privacy checks in the future when we implement public and collaborative lists.
  • You can now attach custom image banners to your notes.
    • Those banners will appear at the top of your notes when you expand them as well as in the List layout.
    • We're still figuring out a good way to render them in the grid and masonry layouts.

UX Improvements

  • We have a refreshed UI looks thanks to amazing designs by @lucius346346!
    • We now have a sticky navbar for better experience in bulk editing thanks to @mdsaban.
    • We also have a new profile options dropdown in the header where the user and admin settings buttons got moved to.
  • We now have infinite scrolling for pagination so that you no longer need to click the Show more button.
  • Bulk actions improvements:
    • There's now a Select all button to select all the currently visible bookmarks.
    • Copy links is also a thing to bulk copy the source links of a bunch of bookmarks thanks to @kamtschatka.
  • You can now trigger AI tag regeneration for all bookmarks or the ones that that failed only in the admin panel.
  • When you hoard text from other webpages by the extension (by highlighting text -> right click -> add to hoarder) the source link will now be preserved with the text.
  • We have a new tabbed user settings page as it was getting quite long.
  • Sidebar items were not clickable around the boarder which was annoying. @Trugamr fixed that!


  • For those who want to go all-in on Oauth, you can now set DISABLE_PASSWORD_AUTH=true which will forbid any password-based authentication/signup. This is implemented by @kamtschatka.
  • The All Tags page was taking too long to load when you have too many tags. @kamtschatka landed some improvements to the performance of this page.
  • Editing lists from the sidebar was broken, now it's fixed.
  • When you wipe your hoarder's database while still logged in the browser, users were getting some confusing behavior with confusing database errors. This is now fixed, and hoarder will automatically log you out if your account is no longer there.
  • @Mxrk Added docker healthchecks to the dockerfile and also source label so that hoarder's updates can be correctly reflected in stuff like renovate.


The new UI Look

Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 3 16 59 PM

Profile Options

Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 3 49 02 PM

AI Settings and Tagging Rules

Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 3 18 55 PM

New Import/Export Buttons

Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 3 19 46 PM

Num Bookmarks & Asset Sizes in Admin Panel

Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 3 22 13 PM

New Admin Actions

Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 3 22 21 PM


To upgrade:

  • If you're using HOARDER_VERSION=release, run docker compose pull && docker compose up -d.
  • If you're pinning it to a specific version, upgrade the version and then run docker compose pull && docker compose up -d.

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27 Sep 08:41
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This is a small hotfix for the 0.17.0 release.

🐞 Fixes

  • When importing bookmarks from a netscape html file, there was a bug that would result in the importing bookmarks getting all of your tags. This is fixed in 12d3371 & 4db50c2.
  • A "name" is no longer required from SSO providers. @kamtschatka fixed that in e1feece.


22 Sep 16:25
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Welcome to the 0.17.0 release of Hoarder. We have a bunch of new features and UX improvements including SSO support (finally), bulk tag/list actions, better bookmark importing experience, and bunch of other stuff. In this release, we're welcoming @nghduc97 and @Mxrk as first time contributors!

If you're enjoying Hoarder, you can consider supporting it here ☕️.

New Features

  • Single Sign On (SSO) support is finally here for OIDC compliant providers. This was the most requested feature and it's now here thanks to @kamtschatka. You can read about how to configure it here.
  • We've done multiple improvements to the bookmark importing experience:
    • Bookmark importing now live in the settings page.
    • You can now import bookmarks from a Pocket export.
    • Imported bookmarks will keep their title, tags and creation date.
    • A new list will be created that will include all your newly imported bookmarks. You can remove/rename this list after making sure that everything went according to plan.
  • You can now customize the banner image for links and manipulate all its other attachments in the bookmark preview page.
  • You can now bulk add/remove tags and lists to bookmarks.
  • Some mobile app improvements:
    • In case you were facing issues connecting to hoarder from the app, there's now a "Connection testing" functionality that shows you a more descriptive issue about the problem you're hitting.
    • The app was by default following the theme (e.g. light/dark mode) of the system. You can now configure explicitly the theme that you want in the settings.
    • There's a new floating quick add button to quickly save new bookmarks from within the app.
  • For ollama users, you can now configure the timeout of the inference worker in case ollama's responses are slow. You can also configure a model keep alive TTL so that ollama can drop the model from memory if it's not used for that configure period.
  • We have a new compact layout to quickly skim through your bookmarks.

UX Improvements

  • In the tags editor, you can now quickly remove the last tags by pressing backspace.
  • The tags editor will now feel much faster by optimistically applying the changes before they are committed on the server.
  • On the mobile app, server errors (e.g. connection errors) will have a much better UI indicating the problem and giving you an option to retry.
  • Lists are now sorted alphabetically thanks to @kamtschatka.
  • Signup dialog now shows a less confusing message when signups are disabled thanks @nghduc97


  • Completely deleting a tag was broken, now it's fixed.


New Mobile Settings Page

Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 4 58 33 PM

Connection Testing

Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 4 52 07 PM

SSO Support

Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 4 52 33 PM

Compact Layout

Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 4 53 46 PM

New Import UI

Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 4 57 14 PM

New Bulk Actions

Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 4 55 52 PM

New Attachments Section

Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 4 55 14 PM


To upgrade:

  • If you're using HOARDER_VERSION=release, run docker compose pull && docker compose up -d.
  • If you're pinning it to a specific version, upgrade the version and then run docker compose pull && docker compose up -d.

All Commits


31 Aug 18:44
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Welcome to the 0.16.0 release of Hoarder. Sorry for the long delay since the last release! We'd like to welcome to our first time contributors @Mxrk, @j-fuentes & @rootly-be!

NOTE: This release is backward compatible with the previous release, but it's highly recommended that you check out the Upgrading section in the release notes.

New Features

  • Deploying Hoarder is now simpler. We're getting rid of two containers in this release:
    • Redis is no longer needed as a dependency and is replaced by a sqlite-backed queue implementation.
    • There's now a new container that acts as both the web and workers container. You no longer need two different hoarder containers.
    • The old images will continue to work just fine for the foreseeable future to make this release backward compatible. Upgrading to the new image is highly recommended though.
  • gpt-4o-mini is now the default OpenAI model. This model is 3X cheaper than the previous default!
  • The mobile app received a bunch of overdue updates:
    • Added the ability to manage bookmark lists from the app.
    • You can now add/remove lists from the app.
    • You can view full notes by tapping on the notes card and you can now edit them as well
    • You can zoom into uploaded images.
    • You can add/view attached notes to bookmarks.
    • There's now a unified editor for new links and notes. Still pretty basic though.
    • You can now configure the image quality of the uploaded images. Keep in mind that for large images, you might want to increase MAX_ASSET_SIZE_MB from the default of 4MB, otherwise, you'll get an Asset too big error.
  • Hoarder's notes now support checklists, tables and auto-links in markdown thanks to @kamtschatka
  • If you have the browser extension installed, you'll find now a new Add to Hoarder button that you can use to send links, texts, images, to hoarder directly. Note: If you're using chrome, you'll need to be on v127 or older. Thanks @kamtschatka!
  • @j-fuentes added kubernetes installation instruction to the wiki.

UX Improvements

  • When renaming bookmark titles or tags, pressing Enter will save the changes.


  • Importing a lot of URLs from the UI used to error, this no longer the case thanks @kamtschatka.
  • SVG weren't correctly loading in full page archives using monolith, @kamtschatka fixed it.
  • Bulk deletion confirmation dialog wasn't automatically dismissed after the deletion. This is now fixed by @kamtschatka.
  • On the mobile app, login fails if your server URL had an extra slash at the end. @Mxrk fixed that!


⚠️ If you have ongoing crawlings/inference/indexing jobs in Hoarder, you'll need to re-enqueue them from the admin panel after the upgrade.

As mentioned in the release notes, this release removes the need for the redis container and the worker container. Although the migration is optional given that the old images will work, it's highly recommended, to migrate, you'll need to do the following:

  1. Remove the redis container and its volume if it had one.
  2. Move the environment variables that you've set exclusively to the workers container to the web container.
  3. Delete the workers container.
  4. Rename the web container image from hoarder-app/hoarder-web to hoarder-app/hoarder.

The diff for the compose file will look something like this:

diff --git a/docker/docker-compose.yml b/docker/docker-compose.yml
index cdfc908..6297563 100644
--- a/docker/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/docker/docker-compose.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 version: "3.8"
-    image:${HOARDER_VERSION:-release}
+    image:${HOARDER_VERSION:-release}
     restart: unless-stopped
       - data:/data
@@ -10,14 +10,10 @@ services:
       - .env
-      REDIS_HOST: redis
       MEILI_ADDR: http://meilisearch:7700
+      BROWSER_WEB_URL: http://chrome:9222
+      # OPENAI_API_KEY: ...
       DATA_DIR: /data
-  redis:
-    image: redis:7.2-alpine
-    restart: unless-stopped
-    volumes:
-      - redis:/data
     restart: unless-stopped
@@ -37,24 +33,7 @@ services:
       MEILI_NO_ANALYTICS: "true"
       - meilisearch:/meili_data
-  workers:
-    image:${HOARDER_VERSION:-release}
-    restart: unless-stopped
-    volumes:
-      - data:/data
-    env_file:
-      - .env
-    environment:
-      REDIS_HOST: redis
-      MEILI_ADDR: http://meilisearch:7700
-      BROWSER_WEB_URL: http://chrome:9222
-      DATA_DIR: /data
-      # OPENAI_API_KEY: ...
-    depends_on:
-      web:
-        condition: service_started
-  redis:

To upgrade:

  • If you're using HOARDER_VERSION=release, run docker compose pull && docker compose up -d.
  • If you're pinning it to a specific version, upgrade the version and then run docker compose pull && docker compose up -d.

All Commits


06 Jul 11:01
Choose a tag to compare

Welcome to the 0.15.0 release of Hoarder! It's been a while since the previous release, but this release is packed with a lot of new quality of life improvements and features. This releases wouldn't have been possible without the tons of contributions from @kamtschatka, @mdsaban & @AhmadMuj. I also want to welcome our first time contributors @kou029w & @devome. If you're interested in helping us develop hoarder, you can join our #development channel on hoarder's discord.

New Features

  • Bulk actions are now a thing thanks to a contribution from @mdsaban. You can now bulk favourite, archive or delete bookmarks. In the next release, you'll be able to bulk add/remove bookmarks from lists.
  • Full page archival is now here (powered by monolith). This will download everything that's in the page so that you can have an offline copy of that page even if that page disappears from the internet afterwards. The archives are typically quite large, so this feature is disabled by default. If you're a true hoarder, you can enable it with CRAWLER_FULL_PAGE_ARCHIVE=true.
  • When you hoard a URL that points to a pdf or an image, Hoarder will now treat them as pdfs/images instead of links while keeping a reference to their original source. This will also allow automatic tagging to work correctly on those links. (thanks @kamtschatka!)
  • You can now import your chrome bookmarks (or any Netscape compatible bookmark file) by exporting them from chrome, then drag and drop the exported file to hoarder. All links in the export will be imported. (thanks @kamtschatka!)
  • For those hoarding code snippets, @kamtschatka added syntax highlighting to code blocks and a way to quickly copy the block.
  • Hoarder is now available on arch linux's user repo (AUR) and is maintained by @devome. A new wiki page with installation instructions is now available.

UX Improvements

  • @mdsaban revamped how both the user and admin settings pages look like.
  • In the list layout, the editor will expand as you type longer notes thanks to @AhmadMuj.
  • You can now paste images directly in the editor card and they'll get automatically uploaded thanks to @AhmadMuj.


  • The layout selector is now more clearly shown above the bookmark grid thanks to @mdsaban.
  • Tags that were added manually were not correctly propagating to the search index. This is now fixed by @kamtschatka. You might want to trigger a reindex from the admin page if you've attached some manual tags.
  • @kamtschatka fixed a long standing bug that prevented firefox users from using the browser extension without a valid HTTPS certificate.
  • The editor card previously allowed you to save empty notes, this has now been fixed by @mdsaban.
  • Increased list name max size to 40 chars up from 20.
  • We previously had an upper limit on note sizes that we removed a while ago. However, we forgot to remove it when editing a note. @AhmadMuj fixed that.
  • The CLI was previously printing invalid JSONs. Now there's a proper JSON mode thanks to @kamtschatka.
  • For CJK environments, there's now a sans-serif fallback font thanks to @kou029w.
  • Automatically inferred tags could have contained an extra space in the beginning of the tag, @kamtschatka fixed that.


Bulk Editing in Action


Revamped Admin Page


Revamped Settings Page


Full Page Archives

Screenshot 2024-07-06 at 11 47 31 AM

PDF/Image URL recognition


To upgrade:

  • If you're using HOARDER_VERSION=release, run docker compose pull && docker compose up -d.
  • If you're pinning it to a specific version, upgrade the version and then run docker compose pull && docker compose up -d.

All Commits

  • fix(web): Add sans-serif fallback for Inter font in CJK environments (#272) by @kou029w in #72f03b2
  • fix: Renaming full page archive asset file doesn't work inside docker. Fixes #273 by @MohamedBassem in #5e9b04a
  • feat: Add bulk edit option for bookmarks. Fixes #84 (#259) by @mdsaban in #d193d9b
  • fix: fixed an issue that would half the textarea in grid layout after submitting a bookmark (#269) by @kamtschatka in #bf92fa3
  • refactor: fixed typos in BookmarkTypes (#268) by @kamtschatka in #4e70fe3
  • refactor: drag and drop improvements (#264) by @kamtschatka in #9cd6170
  • fix: Increase list name size to max 40 chars up from 20. Fixes #254 by @MohamedBassem in #9883c6b
  • fix: Fix duplicate bookmarks in links with assets by @MohamedBassem in #3d495cd
  • refactor: added the bookmark type to the database (#256) by @kamtschatka in #e648646
  • refactor: remove redundant code from crawler worker and refactor handling of asset types (#253) by @kamtschatka in #ccbff18
  • ui: refactor admin settings page (#249) by @mdsaban in #e107f8b
  • ui: Changes for user settings page (#251) by @mdsaban in #a637130
  • feature: Automatically transfer image urls into bookmared assets. Fixes #246 by @MohamedBassem in #1071095
  • ui(web): move layout selector to main screen (#252) by @mdsaban in #8f0e9b1
  • refactor: extract assets into their own database table. #215 (#220) by @kamtschatka in #9ce6958
  • fix(landing): image width on landing page (#250) by @mdsaban in #0f54a18
  • feature: add support for PDF links. Fixes #28 (#216) by @kamtschatka in #be1b7f7
  • fix(web): Fix save action on empty card. Fixes #225 (#243) by @mdsaban in #ccfff6b
  • ui: Improve landing page for homepage (#238) by @mdsaban in #16f21bf
  • feature(web): Enhance the bookmark textarea in the list layout (#247) by @AhmadMuj in #ac05ecf
  • readme: broken readme links (#233) by @mdsaban in #348bd80
  • fix: Remove the bookmark update text limit (#244) by @AhmadMuj in #671fc32
  • fix(web): text paste bug introduced with image paste (#232) by @mdsaban in #23faf46
  • docs: add Arch Linux installation docs (#223) by @devome in #dc19313
  • feature(web): support pasting image in the Editor Card (#228) by @AhmadMuj in #6823caf
  • release(cli): Bump CLI version to 0.13.5 by @MohamedBassem in #219329b
  • release(cli): Bump CLI version to 0.13.4 by @MohamedBassem in #5f263a3
  • fix(cli): Bookmark list output is not a valid JSON. Fixes #150 (#181) by @kamtschatka in #cde9726
  • refactor: Extract the bookmark polling logic into a separate shared component by @MohamedBassem in #6928800
  • fix: Trigger search re-index on bookmark tag manual updates. Fixes #208 (#210) by @kamtschatka in #546139e
  • feature(web): Add syntax highlighting to code blocks and a quick copy button. Fixes #195 (#197) by @kamtschatka in #be1bb38
  • fix(cli): Fix CLI version in help message. Fixes #139 by @MohamedBassem in #f7a7753
  • feature(extension): Add a context menu to open your hoarder saves. Fixes #188 (#206) by @kamtschatka in #2d0af0b
  • fix(web): Changed the toast to contain a more detailed error message in case the bookmark is already part of the list. Fixes #179 (#213) by @kamtschatka in #049e79d
  • fix(workers): AI infered tags can contain " " at the beginning. Fixes #184 (#194) by @kamtschatka in #be8b91f
  • fix(crawler): Only update the database if full page archival is enabled by @MohamedBassem in #9d89f98
  • docs: Document the new CRAWLER_FULL_PAGE_ARCHIVE flag by @MohamedBassem in #9198c1b
  • feature: Full page archival with monolith. Fixes #132 by @MohamedBassem in #dedc5fb
  • feature: Allow import Netscape HTML format (#163) by @kamtschatka in #033e8a2
  • build: Let the upload-artificat action do the compression by @MohamedBassem in #bb431be
  • release(extension): Bump extension version to 1.2.1 by @MohamedBassem in #8688dd4
  • build: Add a workflow to build the extension by @MohamedBassem in #c9b1307
  • fix(extension): Drop the https restriction in firefox. Fixes #23 by @kamtschatka in #875cc35
  • fix(cli): Switched to cursorV2 to make use of the fix for #140 and prevent infinite loops (#176) by @kamtschatka in #6dc67cf


24 May 00:02
Choose a tag to compare

Welcome to the 0.14.0 release of Hoarder! I want to welcome our two new contributors @kamtschatka who added a bunch of quality of life improvements and @lilacpixel who fixed a bunch of cosmetic issues in Hoarder! I also want to thank @Collectathon who published Hoarder's template on unraid which was a very popular request from unraid users!

Note: You probably want to read the Upgrading section for that release. No breaking changes, but some recommendations are mentioned.


  • Hoarder is now available on the unraid store thanks to @Collectathon! The docs now include an unraid installation section here.
  • The iOS app has finally been accepted in the app store (link). Thanks a lot to all the beta testers during that time! You can still continue using TestPilot if you want the latest versions fasters, but you can also now switch to the prod version if you want stability.

New Features

  • Link deduping is here. When adding a link that you've hoarded before, it won't be re-added and instead you'll be prompted to go to your original link. When adding it from the browser extension, the existing bookmark's tags and lists will be shown allowing you to alter them if needed.
    • Note: Unless you're on the latest mobile version, a deduped link will be silently ignored (without any visual indications). Upgrade to the latest version to get a message telling you that it already exists.
  • To quickly merge tags, @kamtschatka added support for dragging and dropping tags on each others to merge them together! To aid with the merging, you can now sort the tags in the "All tags" page by name instead of count.
  • You can now batch add multiple links to the bookmark editor card (one per line) and hoarder will import them in one go.
  • Hoarder can now take full page screenshots (instead of only the top of the page) thanks to @kamtschatka. This is disabled by default as it consumes a lot of space, but can be enabled by setting CRAWLER_FULL_PAGE_SCREENSHOT=true.
  • In the list management dialog, you can now quickly archive a bookmark after adding it to lists. This is useful to those who follow Inbox Zero for their homepage.
  • Hoarder is now using openai's new model gpt-4o by default for image tagging. It's faster and 50% cheaper!


  • Local tagging with Ollama is now more robust thanks to @kamtschatka refactoring the prompt a bit so that model doesn't lose context on what the instructions actually are.
  • Bookmarks that were created in the same second (usually as part of a mass import) were sometimes skipped between pages. This is now fixed.
  • A lot of cosmetic touches by @lilacpixel:
    • Clicking on images in the bookmark list now opens the bookmark preview popup.
    • Clicking on an image in the preview popup will open it in full quality in a new browser tab.
    • Long titles used to overflow in modals and in the bookmark grid. This is also fixed by @lilacpixel.
    • The bookmark preview popup's input fields now have full width to better show the available tags.
  • The tags in the tags editor are now sorted lexicographically.


Link Deduping

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 12 40 28 AM

New Archive Button in "Manage Lists" Dialog

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 12 41 05 AM

Multi-URL import

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 12 41 41 AM

Drag and Drop tag merging


  • The repo got moved to its own organization, and the docker images unfortunately didn't get moved. which means you might want to update the docker images to the new urls. I'll keep updating the old images for the foreseeable future though. In your docker-compose file, change:
    • to
    • to
  • To improve chrome's stability for large pages, add --disable-dev-shm-usage to the existing list of arguments of the chrome container.

To upgrade:

  • If you're using HOARDER_VERSION=release, run docker compose pull && docker compose up -d.
  • If you're pinning it to a specific version, upgrade the version and then run docker compose pull && docker compose up -d.

All Commits