This is a super simple c++/cuda implementation of rwkv with no pytorch/libtorch dependencies.
included is a simple example of how to use in both c++ and python.
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake ..
> cmake --build . --config release
You can find executable at build/release/rwkv.exe
Make sure you already installed CUDA Toolkit and Visual Studio 2022.
Make sure you have python, torch installed
> cd export
> python3
- On Windows, please run the above commands in "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022" terminal.
- Direct Disk -> Gpu loading ( practically no ram needed )
- Uint8 by default
- Incredibly fast
- No dependencies
- Simple to use
- Simple to build
- Optional Python binding using pytorch tensors as wrappers
- Native tokenizer!
- Add support for windows ( pretty sure all you need to do is change the path to the cuda lib in )
- Optimize .pth converter (currently uses a lot of ram)
- Better uint8 support ( currently only uses Q8_0 algorythm)
- Fully fleshed out demos
- better sampler
C++ tokenizer came from this project: