- Beijing
- http://wlui.com.cn/
wl-mapper Public
wl-micro-frontends Public
Micro front end practical project tutorial. 微前端项目实战vue项目。基于vue3.0&qiankun2.0进阶版:https://github.com/wl-ui/wl-mfe
wl-workflow Public
用于vue框架的前端工作流流程图插件。Front-end workflow flowchart plugin for vue framework.
wl-address Public
一个基于vue和element-ui的省市县三级地址联动插件,使用本地化数据,Level 3 Linkage Address Plug-in, Using Localized Data
wl-tree-table Public
a tree table based on vue and element-ui,一个基于vue和element-ui的树形表格
wl-gantt Public
wl-gantt:一个简单易用且高度可配置的甘特图进度计划项目管理插件。An easy-to-use gantt plug-in for the vue framework.
wl-explorer Public
用于vue框架的文件管理器插件,云盘、网盘。File manager plug-in for vue framework, cloud disk.
wl-vue-select Public
用于vue框架的树形下拉框及带全选的普通下拉框。 Tree drop-down box for vue framework and ordinary drop-down box with select all
wl-template-mfe-subapp-vue Public
wl-tree-transfer Public
A tree shaped shuttle box assembly based on Vue and element-ui 一个基于vue.js和element-ui的树形穿梭框,也可用于邮件通讯录。vuecli2版本https://github.com/hql7/tree-transfer 示例见->
tree-transfer Public
一个基于vue和element-ui的树形穿梭框及邮件通讯录。A tree shaped shuttle box assembly based on Vue and element-ui. Vuecli3版本见https://github.com/hql7/wl-tree-transfer 示例见->
wl-admin Public
用于vue项目的框架主体结构,后台管理系统项目模板。Framework main structure for vue project, background management system project template
wl-cli Public
vue 探索wlui最佳工程实践脚手架
wl-bim-viewer Public
用于vue框架的bim三维模型预览插件。Bim 3D model preview plugin for vue framework.
vant Public
Forked from youzan/vantLightweight Mobile UI Components built on Vue
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 27, 2020 -
GoJS Public
Forked from NorthwoodsSoftware/GoJSJavaScript diagramming library for interactive flowcharts, org charts, design tools, planning tools, visual languages.
JavaScript Other UpdatedOct 26, 2020 -
electron-vue-demo Public
使用Vue CLI Plugin Electron Builder将vue项目简单的打包成桌面应用demo。文档地址https://nklayman.github.io/vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder/
fts Public
Forked from miracle-git/ftsincluding all the frontend tech stack, html5, css3, js, es, ts...
JavaScript UpdatedAug 4, 2020 -