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Svelte HTML Modal

Create modal using the <dialog> element. Demo


Requires Svelte v5 and runes mode.

  • State Management: Open and close modals with a single $state(boolean)
  • Smooth Animations: CSS transitions with prefers-reduced-motion support
  • Automatic Scroll Lock: Prevents <body> scrolling while the modal is open
  • Backdrop Control: Close the modal by clicking anywhere outside of it
  • Accessibility: Native <dialog> element with focus trap and Esc support
  • Event Handling: oncancel and onclose event handlers are supported
  • Browser Support: Works in 96.66% of browsers as of November, 2024

Quick Start

To upgrade from previous versions, see the migration guide.

pnpm add svelte-html-modal -D
npm i svelte-html-modal -D
  import { Modal } from 'svelte-html-modal';

  // Client-side JavaScript is required to display the modal.
  // Even if the initial state is set to true, the modal will be displayed after hydration.
  // Reference
  let isOpen = $state(false);

  const open = () => (isOpen = true);
  const close = () => (isOpen = false);

<button type="button" onclick={open}>Open Modal</button>

<!-- The wrapper <div> is used for styling. -->
<!-- Reference the <style> element below. -->
<div class="modal-wrapper">
  <Modal bind:isOpen closeOnBackdropClick={true}>
    <strong>Close the Modal</strong>
      <li>Click on the backdrop</li>
      <li>Press the <kbd>Esc</kbd> key</li>
      <li><button type="button" onclick={close}>JavaScript Button</button></li>
        <!-- Reference -->
        <form method="dialog">
          <button>Submit Button</button>

<!-- Option 1: Vanilla CSS -->
  /* Style <dialog> within the .modal-wrapper element. */
  /* Reference */
  .modal-wrapper > :global(dialog) {
    width: 20rem;
    padding: 1rem;
    border-radius: 0.375rem;
    /* Override user-agent dialog:modal max-sizes. */
    max-height: 100%; /* calc((100% - 6px) - 2em); */
    max-width: 100%; /* calc((100% - 6px) - 2em); */
  .modal-wrapper > :global(dialog::backdrop) {
    backdrop-filter: blur(8px) brightness(0.5);
<!-- Option 2: Tailwind CSS v4 -->
<style lang="postcss">
  .modal-wrapper > :global(dialog) {
    /* */
    /* Reference */
    @apply m-auto w-80 rounded-md p-4 backdrop:backdrop-blur backdrop:backdrop-brightness-50;

For SvelteKit use:enhance usage, see this documentation.

<Modal bind:isOpen>
  <form use:enhance method="post">
    <!-- Fields -->

Component Props

  oncancel={(e) => {}}
  onclose={(e) => {}}
  <!-- Children -->


The closeOnEscapeKey prop has a known issue in Chrome 126 and above. The modal can be closed by pressing the Esc key twice. This will be resolved in a future update when the closedby attribute is implemented. Learn more