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Simosaik is an external simulation for the agent-based discrete-event power system simulation model SIMONA. It is used to connect SIMONA with the co-simulation framework MOSAIK is a co-simulation framework from Offis e.V.. Simosaik takes care of the communication and value conversion between SIMONA and MOSAIK.

How to use

Currently, to use simosaik you need the development repository (here).

Step 1:
You have to use the following branches:

  • simosaik: main
  • simonaAPI: ms/ReCoDe
  • simona: ms/ReCoDe

Step 2:
Add the mosaik API to the folder ./libs.

Step 3:
To create executable jars, you have to run the task shadowJar on SIMONA and simosaik.

Step 4:
Add the following statement to your mosaik simulation configuration: 'SimonaPowerGrid': { 'cmd': 'java -cp path/to/simonaJar edu.ie3.simona.main.RunSimonaStandalone --config=path/to/simona/configuration/file --ext-address=%(addr)s', }

Step 5:
Add the following configuration to your SIMONA configuration file:

  • simona.input.extSimDir = "path/to/simosaik.jar"

  • simosaik.mappingPath = "path/to/ext_entity_mapping.csv"

  • simosaik.simulation = "name_of_the_simosaik_simulation"

Simosaik simulations

The following simulations can be selected:

  • PrimaryResult: Provides SIMONA with primary data and MOSAIK with SIMONA results
  • FlexCommunication: Provides MOSAIK with flexibility options
  • FlexOptionOptimizer: Optimizer for em agents or models with flexibility options in SIMONA

If no simulation is selected, simosaik will use the PrimaryResult simulation.