✨🚀A Fast And FunCaptcha Solving Outlook Account Creator Using Python & Selenium Webdriver✨🚀
- Fully Automatic Account Creator.
- Bypass outlook funcaptcha using Nopecha extension.
- Automatic Nopecha extension integration.
- Integrated proxy rotation for IP change.
- Automatic retrieval of proxies from sslproxies.org.
- User-Agent rotation.
- The script starts over automatically from scratch when it fails (e.g. The script restarts when the chosen proxy is bad/dead and can't connect to outlook's website).
- Tested and worked 100% on multiple platforms: Windows, Linux and MacOS.
- Memory-efficient script.
Install this pre-run requirements before running the script.
🐍 Python3 or higher.
1- Install Requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
(MacOS users should skip this step) 2- Unzip NopeCHA-CAPTCHA-Solver.zip to a folder with the same name.
(MacOS users should skip this step) 3- Copy NopeCHA-CAPTCHA-Solver folder to 'C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\109.0.5414.120'.
4- Run this for MacOS
python mainMacOS.py
4- Run this for other OSes
python main.py
This script is made for educational purposes only.
The proxies that are scraped from sslproxies.org and used in our script are free, So it is normal when you face frequent connection failures that hinder the script normal flow, leading to the script auto restarts from scratch.
If you have any ideas to improve this script, please make a pull request.