A Pico-8 demake of Bloons Tower Defense (5). The code is really unreadable because of all the dumb techniques used to cram as much gameplay in to 8000 tokens.
- 8 different monkeys from BTD5
- Two upgrade paths, each with three upgrades
- Automatically game saves after each round
- The first 60 waves from BTD5
- Four maps
- UI tooltips
- Monkey upgrade information (press left/right in upgrade menu to show/hide upgrade desc)
- Monkey targeting options
- More maps (new maps don't take up any tokens so there's a lot of space for more)
- Add music
- Mouse cursor support
- Add more rounds (perhaps to 65, 85 or 100)
Game saves after each round, saving lives, round, cash, map index and the first 62 monkeys.
Index 0 stores:
- Map index (first 4 bits),
- Lives (the following 8 bits)
- Round (the following 8 bits)
Index 1 stores cash
All following entries store a monkey, i.e. indices 2-63.
Monkey data is formatted like:
- Monkey type index (first 4 bits)
- Monkey X (following 4 bits)
- Monkey Y (following 4 bits)
- Monkey upgrade index path 1 (following 4 bits)
- Monkey upgrade index path 2 (following 4 bits)
- Monkey targeting (following 4 bits)
- Monkey look direction (last 4 bits)
Data is loaded in my proprietary WLF format (weird line format). data_to_wlf.py
compiles the waves_data
, bloon_types
, and maps
from python arrays to WLF.
USL, or Upgrade Scripting Language, is a scripting language I made for this to store the actions of a monkeys' upgrades in a single string. It uses simple instructions such as sel projs 1
and setd a triple_attack