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Process vocabularies #17

Process vocabularies

Process vocabularies #17

Workflow file for this run

# Configure action for processing vocabularies
# Setup for this action is defined in action.yml
# This can be run locally using act ( like this:
# act -v -j build --
# This defines the workflow steps, most critically the values for the
# that will be passed to the Docker Container for use by the python code
# inside the container.
# Print and echo statments will appear in the workflow log in github when the
# action is executed.
# --the build/steps/uses value should be the name of your vocabulary repository.
# The @ value in this string specifies the branch that will be used.
# -- specify the action command in build/steps/with/action. 'docs' will generate
# markdown and HTML; 'uijson' will generate JSON
# -- you shouldn't need to change build/steps/with/path
# -- build/steps/with/inputttl is a single string that is a pipe-delimited list of the
# SKOS vocabulary files in the /vocabulary directory that should be processed.
# leave off the file extensions. NOTE that the files will be assumed to be
# serialized using the Turtle format. Do not enclose the string in quotes, and have no spaces
# in the string
# -- build/steps/with/inputvocaburi is a single string that is a pipe-delimited list of the
# skos:ConceptScheme URIs in each vocabulary file. The order of the URIS must match
# the order of the file names. It will be assumed that each file contains only one
# ConceptScheme.Do not enclose the string in quotes, and have no spaces in the string.
# The URIs must be CURIEs, with the prefix assigned by an @prefix statement in the head
# of the ttl file.
name: Process vocabularies
on: [workflow_dispatch]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@master
- name: Vocabulary action
uses: isamplesorg/metadata_profile_biology@Issue17Chromista-kingdom
# input variables 'action' and 'path' are defined in action.yml, and assigned values here
# GitHub creates an environment variable for the input with the name INPUT_<VARIABLE_NAME>
action: docs
path: ${{ github.workspace }}
# provide ttl file names without extensions; the base file name will be
# used for output files with the appropriate extension.
inputttl: biology_sampledfeature_extension
# these are the URIs for the ConceptScheme; there must be a conceptScheme defined in each vocabulary.
inputvocaburi: bioe:biologicentityvocabulary
- name: Deploy docs
uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@v4
branch: Issue17Chromista-kingdom # The branch the action should deploy to.
folder: docs # The folder the action should deploy.
target-folder: docs #push the contents of the deployment folder into a
# specific directory on the deployment branch
commit-message: "new build of vocabulary display files"
- name: Deploy vocabulary database
uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@v4
branch: Issue17Chromista-kingdom # The branch the action should deploy to.
folder: cache # The folder the action should deploy.
target-folder: cache #push the contents of the deployment folder into a
# specific directory on the deployment branch
commit-message: "new build of vocabularies.db"