This repository aims to provide a well-documented example of using Entity Framework 6 and LinQ for use in custom user controls for the Climsoft project developed in VisualBasic.NET
Initial tasks
- Develop examples simultaneously for a station selector and an element selector (connecting to db.stations and db.obselement)
Ability to perform following filters:
- equals "67774010"
- IN {"67774010", "67775050"}
- date greater #01/01/2001#
In addition, the ability to provide a extra customised columns from the select (e.g. the concatenation of id and name)
Further tasks
- Switch to stationelement. Only return those stations that can have data for the currently selected element(s), or only those elements available at the currently selected station(s)
Array vs List
IQueryable vs IEnumerable, including notes on paging with Take and Skip (see also diagram). Testing that an object implements an interface doesn't guarented that extension methods will be available.
DataSource vs BindingSource
Interfaces (vs Duck Typing and ABCs)
"Unable to convert MySQL date/time value to System.DateTime"
Chr(34) &
string concatenation with escaped quotes ("""
), StringBuilder and String.Format. Also check whether using + or & for concatenation.