MBA on Cybersecurity;
Computer Science Degree - Instituto Federal Farroupilha (IFFAR).
Professor do Ensino Médio Articulado ao Técnico em Informática no SENAC de São Leopoldo.
👨💼💻 XPs:
- Development Teacher and Coordinator (HTML, CSS, JS, TS, SQL, Node.js...) - SENAC RS (since may/2023);
- Development Teacher (HTML, CSS, Python and SQL) - IFRS Sertão (mar/2022 - may/2023);
- Software Developer FullStack - B5S (jan/2021 - dec/2021);
- Telecom Support - BRPhonia (2020);
- Computer Technical Intern IFFar (apr/18 - dec/19);
- Computer Pedagogical Residency Program - PIBID CIEP (jul/2016 - apr/2018).
🚀 Autoral Repositories:
- Python Learning Objects
- APIs Tests w/ Node.js
- Educational Robotics Learning Objects w/ C++
- Educational Cybersecurity Tools w/ Python
- Educational SQL Objects
- Educational TypeScript Objects
- 3000 Talentos TI - Backend Development
📬 Contact:
Personal: [email protected] Professional: [email protected]