- Topic 7: Build a program to manage Slack services and synchronize data to AirTable
- Requirements:
- Using JAVA language
- Exploring Slack, AirTable and its API
- Accessing integrate Slack User and Slack Channel to AirTable
- Document: slack API, Airtable API
Project planing: details
- Diagrams:
- Usecase diagram: Usecase diagram
- Class diagram: Class diagram
- Activity diagram: Activity diagram
- Settings: Can using default pom.xml file
- GroupId:
- ArtifactId:
- Dependencies:
- GroupId:
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.slf4j/slf4j-api -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.slf4j/slf4j-simple -->
- Airtable database:
- Create table Channels:
- Fields: name, id, topic, description, creator, createDaate, privacy, status, is_deleted, Users (linked to Users table)
- Create table Users:
- Fields: name, id, displayName, fullName, email, status, role, userCreateDate, statusChangeDate, is_deleted
- Create table Logs:
- Fields: status, Task, Submitted, Started, Finished, Duration
- Create table Channels:
- Configuration:
- All credentials and token are required in config file
- Compiler:
- Recommended compiler: Eclipse IDE and Intellij IDEA
- Run configuration:
- Project folder: SlackAirtableSyncing
- Source folder: src
- Main class: com.project.main.Main