First of all this is an individual project and i am trying to built the clone of a British E-commerce website named Dermstore|skincare website with the guidance of my Instructional Associate.It just fully for the Educational purpose.
I am trying to built the replica of Dermstore website given a task by Masai team. using as much as javascript ,HTML,CSS i built the replica of this website, which is quite responsive ..
First i decide that particular part or particular pages are given to one days .In this way i started my work . As much as possible i built it.Any problem i faced try to make short with the help of my IA(Instructional Associate).There is not much more time to built this, only 7 days here.So as much as functionality i knew first i tried to add.when once all functionality are done i started working the styling part using HTML,CSS.
Overall it was a Surreal experience. My confidence level is growing up .I very much sure that as any project i get i built 80% of it.Thanks to Masai school also my IA.