A 2D roguelike designed around leveling is bad. (Incomplete)
Please read the contributing guidelines before starting any work on this project. If you made it through that, here are the next steps:
- Install the latest version of Unity.
- You can check what version we are currently using by looking through our PRs filtering by the tag
- Clone the repository.
- If you are using a command prompt paste the following line and hit enter:
git clone https://github.com/TigardHighGDC/Augmentation
- After the clone is sucessful, call the following line to update all of our submodules:
git submodule update --init --progress
- And finally, open the project in Unity.
- That's it! You are officially ready to start working on the project! We will be reviewing your PR soon, good luck soldier!
Copyright (c) TigardHighGDC
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0