SipTwo is a strongly-typed SIP2 wrapper for Node, written in Typescript.
SipTwo is heavily inspired by Frank Desmettre's node-sip2 package--particularly message construction and interpretation.
SipTwo is written entirely in Typescript, so it can be easily integrated into your type-safe projects. Or you can use it in a plain vanilla javascript project and typings will be ignored. All server responses have been cast to their appropriate types: number
, Date
, string
, boolean
, etc.
SipTwo also provides an API that will be familiar to people used to working with ES6+. You can take advantage of async/await to eliminate the need for callbacks.
- Strong typed DTOs and responses
- Manages sequence numbers automatically
- Automatic error checking; provides a
checksumValid: boolean
with every response - Performs an SCStatus check upon server connection to determine message support. Will throw an exception if the calling application tries to use a feature not supported by the server
- Exported interfaces for all DTOs and responses
SIP2 is a network protocol designed by 3M so that automated self-check machines could talk to an integrated library server (ILS). Since its creation, it has become widely used in a variety of different applications, for better or for worse.
Getting started is very straightforward. Instantiate the SipTwo class with an ISip2ConnectionOptions
object and use the setPatron
method to pass IPatronCredentials
. You can call setPatron
any time to select a different patron.
Connection objects:
import { SipTwo, ISip2ConnectionOptions, IPatronCredentials } from 'siptwo';
const sip2ConnectionOptions: ISip2ConnectionOptions = {
host: '',
username: 'sip_user',
password: 'sip_password',
institutionId: 'sip_org',
const patronCredentials: IPatronCredentials = {
patronIdentifier: 'patron_barcode',
password: 'patron_pin',
institutionId: 'patron_org',
Instantiate the class and make method calls:
const sipTwo = new SipTwo(sip2ConnectionOptions);
// Inside an async function/method
(async () => {
await sipTwo.login();
const patronInfo = await sipTwo.requestPatronInformation();
console.log('patronInfo', patronInfo);
This will output a result similar to the following, bound to the IPatronInformationResponse
patronInfo {
status: PatronStatus {
chargePrivilegesDenied: false,
renewalPrivilegesDenied: false,
recallPrivilegesDenied: true,
holdPrivilegesDenied: false,
cardReportedLost: false,
tooManyItemsCharged: false,
tooManyItemsOverdue: false,
tooManyRenewals: false,
tooManyClaimsOfItemsReturned: false,
tooManyItemsLost: false,
excessiveOutstandingFines: false,
excessiveOutstandingFees: false,
recallOverdue: false,
tooManyItemsBilled: false
language: 'english',
transactionDate: 2021-03-16T16:36:34.000Z,
holdItemsCount: 3,
overdueItemsCount: 0,
chargedItemsCount: 1,
fineItemsCount: 0,
recallItemsCount: 0,
unavailableHoldsCount: 0,
institutionId: 'patron_org',
patronIdentifier: 'patron_barcode',
personalName: 'Gene Adams',
feeAmount: 1.25,
feeLimit: 0,
homeAddress: '8265 Phone Trail El paso, El paso TX USA 88525',
email: '[email protected]',
phone: '538-342-5233',
screenMessage: [],
printLine: [],
validPatron: true,
validPatronUsed: true,
validPatronPassword: false,
validPatronPasswordUsed: true,
currencyType: 'USD',
sequence: 2,
checksum: 'BA8B',
checksumIsValid: true
The following is a list of exposed methods available through the SipTwo
class. Refer to the corresponding interface files to see what the relevant object structure looks like.
connection.connect(): Promise<void>
connection.close(): void
connection.send(request: string): Promise<any>
login(): Promise<ILoginResponse>
- Response: ILoginResponse
setPatron(patronCredentials: IPatronCredentials)
- Required: IPatronCredentials
- Response:
requestResend(): Promise<any>
- Response: depends on previous message call
requestSCStatus(scStatusRequestDto: ISCStatusRequestDto = {}): Promise<IACStatusResponse>
- Optional: ISCStatusRequestDto
- Response: IACStatusResponse
requestPatronEnable(): Promise<IPatronEnableResponse>
- Response: IPatronEnableResponse
requestPatronBlock(blockPatronRequestDto: IBlockPatronRequestDto): Promise<IPatronStatusResponse>
- Required: IBlockPatronRequestDto
- Response: IPatronStatusResponse
requestPatronInformation(): Promise<IPatronInformationResponse>
- Response: IPatronInformationResponse
requestPatronStatus(): Promise<IPatronStatusResponse>
- Response: IPatronStatusResponse
requestItemInformation(itemIdentifier: string): Promise<IItemInformationResponse>
- Required:
itemIdentifier: string
- Response: IItemInformationResponse
requestCheckout(checkoutRequestDto: ICheckoutRequestDto): Promise<ICheckoutResponse>
- Required: ICheckoutRequestDto
- Response: ICheckoutResponse
requestCheckin(checkinRequestDto: ICheckinRequestDto): Promise<ICheckinResponse>
- Required: ICheckinRequestDto
- Response: ICheckinResponse
requestRenew(renewRequestDto: IRenewRequestDto): Promise<IRenewResponse>
- Required: IRenewRequestDto
- Response: IRenewResponse
requestRenewAll(renewAllRequestDto: IRenewAllRequestDto = {}): Promise<IRenewAllResponse>
- Optional: IRenewAllRequestDto
- Response: IRenewAllResponse
requestFeePaid(feePaidRequestDto: IFeePaidRequestDto): Promise<IFeePaidResponse>
- Required: IFeePaidRequestDto
- Response: IFeePaidResponse
requestHold(holdRequestDto: IHoldRequestDto): Promise<IHoldResponse>
- Required: IHoldRequestDto
- Response: IHoldResponse
requestEndPatronSession(): Promise<IEndPatronSessionResponse>
- Response: IEndPatronSessionResponse