Releases: jcabi/jcabi-beanstalk-maven-plugin
Releases · jcabi/jcabi-beanstalk-maven-plugin
validate ebextensions before deployment, for YAML validity
See #2, release log:
- 7d7486f by @null: #2 parent 1.16
- b604b5a by @null: Attempt at fixing error: [WARNING] Found duplicate and different classes in [,] :
- b3295aa by @null: Attempt at fixing the problem [ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.qulice:qulice-maven-plugin:0.8.2:check (default-cli) on project jcabi-beanstalk-maven-plugin: Failure: XML validation exception: missing schema in \ src\it\settings.xml -> [Help 1].
- 2b831cc by @null: Fixed PMD errors.
- be756e4 by @null: Fixed PMD errors.
- 36ded42 by @null: Changed the line endings.
- 2f28452 by @null: Rewrote the test to avoid the problem with empty enumeration.
- 04ba5aa by @null: Attempt at fixing the error [WARNING] /home/travis/build/jcabi/jcabi-beanstalk-maven-plugin/src/test/java/com/jcabi/beanstalk/maven/plugin/[85,15] found raw type: java.util.Enumeration missing type arguments for generic class java.util.Enumeration [WARNING] /home/travis/build/jcabi/jcabi-beanstalk-maven-plugin/src/test/java/com/jcabi/beanstalk/maven/plugin/[87,48] unchecked conversion required: java.util.Enumeration<capture#1 of ? extends> found: java.util.Enumeration
- dfb4f47 by @null: Fixing code quality issues.
- 817124c by @null: Fixing code quality issues.
- bf55754 by @null: Test runs: com.jcabi.beanstalk.maven.plugin.WarFileTest.checkEbextensionsValidityThrowsExceptionNoDir.
- e8b873f by @null: Attempt at fixing checkstyle error: /src/main/java/com/jcabi/github/[160-162]: Avoid instantiating new objects inside loops (AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops)
- 59ad4e2 by @null: Fixed compiler errors.
- 6b55cf4 by @null: Fixing code quality issues.
- 2f1d11f by @null: Fixing code quality issues.
- 7dc0d6a by @null: Adapted test com.jcabi.beanstalk.maven.plugin.WarFileTest.ebextensionsValidationTestLogic2.
- 90de3b0 by @null: Adapted test com.jcabi.beanstalk.maven.plugin.WarFileTest.ebextensionsValidationTestLogic.
- bcce539 by @null: Adapted test com.jcabi.beanstalk.maven.plugin.WarFileTest.checkEbextensionsValidityThrowsExceptionNoConfigFiles.
- 7fca96e by @null: Adapted test com.jcabi.beanstalk.maven.plugin.WarFileTest.checkEbextensionsValidityThrowsExceptionNoDir.
- 2286ce2 by @null: Moved tests to a different class.
- 0e7ba29 by @null: Initial commit.
- 3317482 by @null: Commit before removing FakeAbstractBeanstalkMojo.
- 770fa42 by @null: Fixing code quality issues.
- 0bf0f6b by @null: Fixing code quality issues.
- bb53f78 by @null: Fixed unit test failures.
- 423e0c6 by @null: Moved tests to DeployMojoTest.
- e05012d by @null: Fixed the test com.jcabi.beanstalk.maven.plugin.AbstractBeanstalkMojoTest.executeCallscheckEbextensionsValidity.
- 48a1de1 by @null: Fixing code quality issues.
- b9172a7 by @null: Fixing code quality issues.
- b7f3b41 by @null: Fixing code quality issues.
- 687bedd by @null: Fixing code quality issues.
- 13e56e6 by @null: Fixing code quality issues.
- c6dabcd by @null: Fixing code quality issues.
- 9f0e155 by @null: Fixing code quality issues.
- 3049fc5 by @null: Fixing code quality issues.
- 1c90147 by @null: Fixing code quality issues.
- a981862 by @null: Fixing code quality issues.
- 6a76222 by @null: Added license config.
- 1864fbf by @null: Added comments.
- ec63c4b by @null: Added test com.jcabi.beanstalk.maven.plugin.AbstractBeanstalkMojoTest.checkEbextensionsValidityThrowsExceptionNoConfigFiles
- 58de319 by @null: Test com.jcabi.beanstalk.maven.plugin.AbstractBeanstalkMojoTest.checkEbextensionsValidityThrowsExceptionNoDir runs.
- 7b5268e by @null: Added test com.jcabi.beanstalk.maven.plugin.AbstractBeanstalkMojoTest.checkEbextensionsValidityThrowsExceptionNoDir.
- d3d7d5f by @null: Test com.jcabi.beanstalk.maven.plugin.AbstractBeanstalkMojoTest.checkEbextensionsValidityInvalidJsonInvalidYaml runs.
- 997e61c by @null: Added test com.jcabi.beanstalk.maven.plugin.AbstractBeanstalkMojoTest.checkEbextensionsValidityThrowsExceptionJsonViolation.
- 42b8e95 by @null: Added test com.jcabi.beanstalk.maven.plugin.AbstractBeanstalkMojoTest.executeCallscheckEbextensionsValidity.
- 1b5d7a0 by @null: First (untested) design of JSON and YAML validation.
- 3a917ad by @null: Added @Cacheable annotation with test
Released by Rultor 1.47.3, see build log
skin 1.4
Five minutes time out before giving up
Both update
and deploy
plugin goals will wait for five minutes before giving up on newly created environments. Sometimes a new environment gets GREY
status in Elastic Beanstalk, right after deployment. It's not practical to terminate it immediately as a broken one. It's more practical to wait at least five minutes. This is what this version is doing.
Cleaning up before deployment
As suggested in #1 RED and stable environments are wiped out now before deployment. This was a bug that caused problems sometimes. Now it's gone, enjoy :)