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Jeff Chin edited this page Mar 24, 2021 · 19 revisions


Battery Optimization Research. Integrated, Novel, Gradient-based

(If nothing happens, it's working correctly)

πŸ› οΈ Install Guide

πŸ“š Battery Model Docs

πŸ”— External Links/Resources

πŸ”₯ Battery Test Requirements

πŸ–‡οΈ Misc

File Structure

πŸ“ fenics

Contains code for high-fidelity FEM for simulating the baseline solid block battery configuration

πŸ“ input

Contains top level input values that override default values (to avoid assumptions scattered throughout the codebase)

πŸ“ metamodel

Contains a surrogate model for a solid unibody battery COMSOL design sweeps as a baseline performance comparison

πŸ“ output

CSV files created as output after model execution

πŸ“ scad

Contains OpenSCAD files used to generate simplified solid models of each component

πŸ“ src

The source folder contains all of the engineering code, split into the following subfolders

πŸ“ model

Contains all of the models for transient battery performance

πŸ“ sizing

Contains all of the calculations used for sizing the various battery pack components

  • πŸ“ geometry - Calculates heat pipe geometry

  • πŸ“ mass - Used to calculate heat pipe weight

  • πŸ“ material properties - Contains all PCM and Cp calculations

  • πŸ“ thermal resistance - Contains all resistance calculations

    • heatpipe_transient: Defines the transient run conditions/parameters

    • heatpipe_run: Defines the top-level ordinary differential equation (ODE) class. (defines the physics of the problem)

    • thermal_network: constructs the equivalent thermal resistance network for a conventional heat pipe

    • pcm_transient: A copy of heatpipe_transient with the addition of phase change material (PCM)

    • pcm_run: A copy of heatpipe_run with the addition of phase change material (PCM)

    • pack_design: top level group for the sizing folder

    • structure: calculates the temperature rise between cells with heat flux across the insulation thickness

πŸ“ test

Contains all of the test scripts for the engineering code, auto-run by Travis-CI after commits are merged

πŸ“ util

The utilities folder contains global helper functions


Contains all of the eXtended Design Structure Matrix (XDSM) diagrams used to visualize and perform automated code checks to ensure proper inputs/outputs of each subsystem