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Namelist readable by to4.4.2_Fredrik_micro_testbed
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jchylik committed Mar 19, 2024
1 parent 7d7e5a3 commit c81659f
Showing 1 changed file with 151 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
iexpnr = 001
lwarmstart = .false. ! .true. ! for restarts
startfile = 'initd003h00mx000y000.001' ! adjust filename based on restart time
runtime = 72000 ! expected run time
trestart = 3600 ! frequent restarts
ladaptive = .true. ! adaptive timestep
irandom = 43 ! Initial perturbations for LES:
krand = 10 ! * below 250 m
randthl = 0.1 ! * 0.1 K initial randomization
randqt = 0.0 ! * no initial initial randomization in qt
dtav_glob = 60 ! global interval for sampling
timeav_glob = 600 ! time averaged statistics every 10 minutes
nsv = 2 ! number of scalars

itot = 256 ! 8 ! test
jtot = 256 ! 8 ! test
kmax = 161 ! modified grid for DALES | 160 ! COMBLE grid
xsize = 25600 ! 800 ! test
ysize = 25600 ! 800 ! test
xlat = 78.41 ! < rewritten by values loaded from scm_in
xlon = 8.47 ! < rewritten by values loaded from scm_in
xday = 72 ! day 12 March
xtime = 0.0 ! starts at 22:00

ps = 100805.48 ! < rewritten by values loaded from scm_in
thls = 278.61 ! < rewritten by values loaded from scm_in
lmoist = .true. ! surface is always water
iradiation = 1 ! full radiation scheme
rad_ls = .false. ! no prescribed radiative forcing
lcoriol = .true. ! coriolis force
lpressgrad = .true. ! enable pressure gradients
lmomsubs = .false. ! subsidence not applied on momentum
ltimedep = .true. ! time dependet forcings
ltimedepsv = .false. ! scalars NOT time dependent

lcnstzenith = .true. ! constant zenith angle
cnstzenith = 0.0 ! no SW radiation
! emissurf = 1.0 ! surface emissitivity 1 (from the meeting)
! l_radfullice = .true. ! full radiion scheme
! l_nc_const = .true. ! ? constant cloud droplet number for radiation
! l_nci_const = .false. ! ? constant ice crystal number
! l_pre_const = .false. ! ? constant droplet rdius size
! l_pde_const = .false. ! ? constant ice effective diameter size

isurf = 2 ! prescribed surface temperature
lmostlocal = .false. ! ? local determination of M-O length
lsmoothflux = .false. ! ? smoothing of calculated fluxes
z0mav = 0.0008 ! < rewritten by values loaded from scm_in
z0hav = 0.00085 ! < rewritten by values loaded from scm_in
albedoav = 0.06 ! < rewritten by values loaded from scm_in
! l_surficefrac = .false. ! over open water only
! f_sal = 1.0 ! for simplicity

llsadv = .false. ! ? large-scale forcing
cu = 0. ! ? galilean transformation velocity
cv = 0. ! ? galilean transformation velocity
iadv_mom = 2 ! ? which advection scheme for: * momentum
iadv_tke = 2 ! ? * vertical TKE
iadv_thl = 2 ! ? * theta_l
iadv_qt = 2 ! ? * total humidity
iadv_sv = 2 ! ? * scalars

ltestbed = .true. ! load through testbed file
ltb_latestart = .false. ! not starting at 0 UTC
ltb_nudge = .false. ! nudging turned off
ltb_iceinit = .false. ! ice initialization OFF
ltb_iadv = .false. ! ice advection OFF

imicro = 2 ! warm microphysics only
Nc_0 = 20.e6 ! fixed cloud droplet number

lmicrostat = .true. ! microphysics statistics
timeav = 600 ! time averaging 10 minutes
dtav = 60 ! sampling

tcheck = 0 ! timesteps between checking courant number

lsampcl = .true. ! conditional samplings
lsampco = .true.
lsampup = .true.
lsamptend = .true.
dtav = 60
timeav = 600

ltimestat = .true. ! time statistics
dtav = 60 ! ? hwo often: every 60 s

lcross = .true. ! cross sections
dtav = 600 ! every 10 minutes

lstat = .true.
dtav = 60
timeav = 600 ! avergaing 10 minutes

lstat = .true.
dtav = 60
timeav = 600 ! averaging 10 minutes

lsync = .true. ! appending netcdf file after restart

lfielddump = .true. ! fielddump 3D files
dtav = 3600 ! every 1 hour
lbinary = .false. ! ? also make binary
khigh = 161 ! dump fields up to whcih vertical layer

dtav = 60
timeav = 600 ! sampling tendencies
ltend = .true.
dtav = 600
lcloudfield = .false. ! ? cloud field statistics ?
laddinfo = .true. ! ? writing q_l and w values ?

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