Testing Google's protobuf solution vs betterproto
cd protobuf_cpp
pipenv install --dev
[ pipenv run codegen ]
pipenv run all
protobuf_cpp serialization [10000]: 145.17 ms
protobuf_cpp deserialization [10000]: 36.95 ms
CPU: Intel64 Family 6 Model 142 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel, 8 cpu, 2.0 GHz
OS: win-amd64
Python: 3.8.10, CPython, 3d8993a
cd protobuf_python
pipenv install --dev
[ pipenv run codegen ]
pipenv run all
Loading .env environment variables...
protobuf_python serialization [10000]: 590.71 ms
protobuf_python deserialization [10000]: 348.48 ms
CPU: Intel64 Family 6 Model 142 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel, 8 cpu, 2.0 GHz
OS: win-amd64
Python: 3.8.10, CPython, 3d8993a
cd betterproto
pipenv install --dev
[ pipenv run codegen ]
pipenv run all
betterproto serialization [10000]: 613.47 ms
betterproto deserialization [10000]: 962.49 ms
CPU: Intel64 Family 6 Model 142 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel, 8 cpu, 2.0 GHz
OS: win-amd64
Python: 3.8.10, CPython, 3d8993a
Run both serialization & deserialization benchmark optionally with CPU and memory profiling:
pipenv run all [ -c, --cpu_profile ] [ -m, --memory_profile ]
Run both serialization benchmark optionally with CPU and memory profiling:
pipenv run serialization [ -c, --cpu_profile ] [ -m, --memory_profile ]
Run both deserialization benchmark optionally with CPU and memory profiling:
pipenv run deserialization [ -c, --cpu_profile ] [ -m, --memory_profile ]