Original Hackathon Demonstration Link/Video: https://devpost.com/software/good-samaritan-cctv-crime-tracker-ruzas7
Give people access to widely deployed California Traffic Cameras to see what's going on in the road.
Make sure you have node.js installed. Clone the project and go into the folder and enter "npm i" into terminal/command-prompt in order to download all of the necessary node modules. After that enter "npm run dev" to start up the server and see the application in action.
For now we haven't deployed the project because that's expensive, however people can go ahead and use the project on there own and take some inspiration on how to parse the California Traffic Camera dataset and use it in there own projects. There's also a Google Maps API implementation, to make that work go and add a demo API key to the file. I pulled down the demo key that was in the project just for privacy reasons.