This is an Bolt session store implementation for sessionup
To install simply use:
go get
To create and use new BoltStore use New
method. It accepts three parameters, the
first one being an open bolt database. Then a bucket name is required in which sessions
will be stored and managed. The bucket parameter cannot be an empty string. Lastly
it is required that you specify the duration between cleanup intervals, if the provided
value is zero the cleanup process won't be started. It cannot be less than zero.
db, err := bolt.Open("my.db", 0600, nil)
if err != nil {
// handle error
store, err := boltstore.New(db, "sessions", time.Minute)
if err != nil {
// handle error
manager := sessionup.NewManager(store)
Don't forget to handle cleanup errors by using CleanupErr method. Channel should be used only for receiving errors. Whenever the cleanup service is active, errors from this channel will have to be drained, otherwise cleanup won't be able to continue its process.
for {
select {
case err := <-store.CleanupErr():
// handle err
If you want to close auto cleanup process simply use Close
method. It won't close the
database so you will still be able to use all of the methods described by
the sessionup store interface.
It will always return nil as an error, implements io.Closer interface.