Releases: jetty/jetty.project
Releases · jetty/jetty.project
- #12892 - Module http-forwarded does not appear to be able to use the IP in X-Forwarded-For header with any TLS HTTP request if the module http2 is also loaded
- #12888 - ErrorPageHandler dispatcher returns incorrect 405 for failing POST requests (e.g. JAX-RS)
- #12882 - Regression:
HttpConfiguration setResponseHeaderSize
is ineffective in 12.0.17 - #12871 - Add module ee8-cdi-decorate or update ee10-cdi-decorate to allow run old web applications
- #12802 - Make Server::setDefaultHandler and Server::setErrorHandler arguments consistent
This is a sponsored release for an End of Life version of Jetty.
- #12874 - Introduce
to Jetty 10.0.x - #12869 -
shouldn't treat non-XML command line options as XML - #12776 - ByteBufferPool - all ongoing requests fail when single request is cancelled on HTTP/2
- #12821 - Better document
deprecation - #12268 -
may iterate too much whenprocess()
returns Action.IDLE
This is a sponsored release for an End of Life version of Jetty.
- #12874 - Introduce
to Jetty 10.0.x - #12869 -
shouldn't treat non-XML command line options as XML - #12776 - ByteBufferPool - all ongoing requests fail when single request is cancelled on HTTP/2
- #12821 - Better document
deprecation - #12268 -
may iterate too much whenprocess()
returns Action.IDLE
Special Thanks to the following Eclipse Jetty community members for this release
- @SentryMan (Josiah Noel)
- @karstenhusberg
- @lucarota
- @lucarota-eutelsat (Luca Rota)
Of Special Note
The definition of UriCompliance.LEGACY
has changed with regards to bad UTF-8 parsing. (This now conforms to Jetty 11/10/9 LEGACY mode behavior.)
A new UriCompliance.JETTY_11
has been created to replicate Jetty 11 DEFAULT mode.
- #12834 - Quotes should be escaped in request logs
- #12831 - Always resolve pathSpec with asPathSpec in ConstraintSecurityHandler
- #12828 - HttpServletResponse.encodeURL() does not support relative paths
- #12827 - Introduce
which is different thanUriCompliance.LEGACY
- #12821 - Restore ee9/ee8 ContextHandler.setCompactPath(boolean) behavior for backward compat reasons
- #12810 - Add
to a BOM - #12796 - Do not decode path in EE9 Dispatcher
- #12792 - Issue when scrolling around in embedded videos
- #12791 - Review
behavior with bad UTF-8 in query - #12790 - Cannot invoke "" because "buffer" is null
- #12775 - EE9 Servlet API throws exceptions in normal control flow
- #12768 - Static HTML in demos still refer to Jetty 10/11 and earlier concepts.
- #12764 - Add filter support to
(@SentryMan) - #12752 - Make
a compile scoped dependency ofjetty-http-spi
(@SentryMan) - #12750 - UriCompliance is ignored for query string parsing
- #12741 - Remove unused files from jetty-eeX-demo-jetty-webapp
- #12739 - Regression in handing CombinedResource WEB-INF between Jetty 11 and Jetty 12
- #12730 - RegexRule needs configurable to include query (or not) in match logic
- #12725 - Update the _matchAfterIndex variable after setting new filter mappings
- #12724 - Fix SymlinkAllowedResourceAliasChecker for use with CombinedResource
- #12723 - Only on Windows: Failed startup of osgi context oeje8w.WebAppContext
- #12714 - MongoSessionDataStore can't upsert sessions if workerName contains token deliminators
- #12706 - Export ArrayByteBufferPool statistics via JMX
- #12705 - Orphaned sessions are never deleted at runtime in the SessionDataStore.
- #12690 - Add configurable capping for values of H2
settings frames - #12689 - Add statistics about
calls made for which there is no bucket - #12683 - Cross context dispatch to root context uses incorrect target path
- #12681 - CachingHttpContentFactory$CachedHttpContent already released buffer
- #12671 - Check UriCompliance.Violation.ALLOW_BAD_UTF8 in query parameter extraction
- #12670 - Improve buffer management of HTTP/1 response headers
- #12650 - Attribute org.eclipse.jetty.multipartConfig is null
- #12646 - CompleteListener may be invoked twice
- #12639 - Request.Content.getContentType()'s Javadoc contradicts HttpConnection.normalizeRequest()
- #12634 - Update jaas index.adoc (@karstenhusberg)
- #12633 - Ensure a redirect of the HttpServletResponse will close HttpOutput
- #12626 - Wrong ? packages in the JNDI mail example (@karstenhusberg)
- #12609 - Change of behaviour with HttpServletResponse.sendError(0) in EE10
- #12428 - No ALPNProcessor for org.bouncycastle.jsse.provider.ProvSSLEngine error with jetty http2 client (@lucarota-eutelsat, @lucarota)
- #12612 - Use Compression classes for client decoding
- #12611 - Supporting Compression discovery with ServiceLoader.
- #12593 - Create start.d/*.ini for [ini-template] modules
- #12564 - Enhance HTTP Compliance CRLF modes
- #12553 - Execute immediately HTTP/2 failures
- #12547 - Improve module deprecation
- #12546 - Added documentation for
. - #12534 - Jetty 12.1.x ee9 ee10 ee11 default servlet test resource servlet test
- #12531 - Reworking jetty-compression for JPMS
- #12529 - Undisable ee9 BlockingTest and fix HttpChannel.produceContent
- #12505 -
does not use the proper attributes for error handling - #12502 - Undisable WebAppContextTest.testGetResourcePaths
- #12486 - Undisable and fix PartialRFC2616Test
- #12436 - Allow headers size extend to maxRequestHeadersSize in http client (@shaoxt)
- #12324 - Response compression does not work when the
Accept-Encoding: *
request header is used. - #12266 - InvocationType improvements and cleanups
- #12106 - Document
classes - #11947 - Jetty12: HttpConfiguration#_relativeRedirectAllowed flipped to true per default
- #11579 - Introduce
to reject HTTP Request Line that includes fragment section. - #11307 - Explicit demand control in WebSocket endpoints with only onWebSocketFrame()
- #9051 - Review Jetty-12 DelayedHandler
- #5308 - Extract httpConfig and scheduler configuration out of jetty.xml
- #3377 - Improve jetty-ssl-context.xml
Special Thanks to the following Eclipse Jetty community members
- @arsenalzp (Oleksandr Krutko)
- #12603 - ee9 / UnsupportedOperationException: Read Only
- #12579 - restore abort for SendCallback.failed
- #12578 - HttpServletRequest.getParameterMap - UnmodifiableMap does not wrap a jetty MultiMap
- #12577 - org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpURI.getDecodedPath() throws an NPE when there is no path
- #12554 - Improve documentation for ambiguous URIs
- #12553 - Execute immediately HTTP/2 failures
- #12520 - Numerous stack traces logged at warning level when running under HTTP/2
- #12488 - HTTP/2 headers may not be split in CONTINUATION frames
- #12482 - CustomRequestLog %q inconsistency with a doc
- #12481 - Exception when a Content-Length is set on a 304 response
- #12469 - Content.Sink.write(sink, last, utf8Content, callback) could become faster
- #12429 - HandshakeRequest getHeaders are case sensitive.
- #12323 - AsyncMiddleManServlet response flushing
- #12272 - Potential deadlock with Vaadin
- #12153 - Failed to serve resource java.lang.IllegalStateException: s=HANDLING rs=ASYNC os=OPEN is=IDLE awp=false se=false i=true al=0
- #11413 - Conscrypt does not support server-side SNI
- #9529 - Expose TCP connection establishment information (@arsenalzp)
- #12431 - Typo in org.eclipse.jetty.server.FormFields.from(Request, Charset)
- #12404 - Parsing URI with HttpUri.from(String uri) throws "IllegalArgumentException: Bad authority" when path is empty
- #12397 -
files are double-gzipped - #12356 - RuntimeIOException: Parser is terminated when doing lots of requests with Connection: Keep-Alive
- #12348 - HttpClientTransportDynamic does not initialize low-level clients
- #12341 - QPack encoder must not send any encoder instructions when SETTINGS_QPACK_MAX_TABLE_CAPACITY is 0
- #12313 - Jetty 12 ee9/ee10 doesn't invoke callbacks when h2 client sends RST_STREAM
- #12268 -
may iterate too much whenprocess()
returns Action.IDLE - #11749 - InvalidArgumentExceptions due to invalid status codes are not handled properly
- #11492 - Auto add AliasChecker for custom Base Resource in DefaultServlet
- #9980 - Add format option to CustomRequestLog for request authority and request authority scheme
- #5888 - Limit usage of HTTP/2 connections
- #5685 - AsyncProxyServlet calls onProxyResponseSuccess() when internally it throws "Response header too large" exception
- #12404 - Parsing URI with HttpUri.from(String uri) throws "IllegalArgumentException: Bad authority" when path is empty
- #12397 -
files are double-gzipped - #12378 - Change default value for
- #12356 - RuntimeIOException: Parser is terminated when doing lots of requests with Connection: Keep-Alive
- #12350 - LdapLoginModule support for Jetty Password obfuscation
- #12348 - HttpClientTransportDynamic does not initialize low-level clients
- #12341 - QPack encoder must not send any encoder instructions when SETTINGS_QPACK_MAX_TABLE_CAPACITY is 0
- #12339 - Default session configuration parameter
rather thanfalse
- #12318 - SecurityUtils should not elminate calls to existing methods
- #12313 - Jetty 12 ee9/ee10 doesn't invoke callbacks when h2 client sends RST_STREAM
- #12268 -
may iterate too much whenprocess()
returns Action.IDLE - #12082 -
enters a corrupt state when released - #12023 - [12.1.x] Remove deprecated classes/methods
- #11956 - Consider re-introducing
constant - #11815 - Servlet spec 6.1 issue 300
- #11749 - InvalidArgumentExceptions due to invalid status codes are not handled properly
- #11741 - Review case of MimeType.Type charsets
- #11560 - Implement Web3 OAuth/Sign-In Functionality
- #11514 - Start properties
are not applied during ee8/ee9 deployments - #11492 - Auto add AliasChecker for custom Base Resource in DefaultServlet
- #11358 - Jetty Websocket should have some API to handle timeouts
- #9980 - Add format option to CustomRequestLog for request authority and request authority scheme
- #9778 - Jetty 12 - Remove WriteFlusher.Listener
- #8790 - Jetty-12 HttpContent should have an async API
- #8769 - Introduce new Compression Handler with support for gzip, brotli, and zstandard
- #6328 - High CPU usage of method handle invocations in Jetty 10
- #5888 - Limit usage of HTTP/2 connections
- #5685 - AsyncProxyServlet calls onProxyResponseSuccess() when internally it throws "Response header too large" exception
- #842 - Implement RFC7239 support in Proxy and Middleman
Special Thanks to the following Eclipse Jetty community members
- @kelunik (Niklas Keller)
- @robbie01 (Robbie)
- @arsenalzp (Oleksandr Krutko)
- #12309 -
is not marked astransient
- #12303 - Use sessionRequest for wrapping HTTP stream instead of original Request (@robbie01)
- #12289 - Improve
concurrency - #12279 -
org.eclipse.jetty.maven.ServerSupport.configureHandlers(Server, List<ContextHandler>, RequestLog)
removes handlers - #12255 - Environment CookieConfig details not visible in Server Dump or JMX
- #12254 - New DebugListener
- #12249 - HTTP/2 responses with Content-Length may have no content
- #12241 - Unable to Add
Cookie Attribute Value in Jetty 12 EE8 environment with Java 17 - #12239 - Optimize buffer release in HttpConnection
- #12227 - Improve HttpConnection buffer recycling
- #12047 - Server should not open connectors early in start sequence (@kelunik)
- #11298 - Error 400 - Ambiguous URI Empty Segment
- #11092 - Startup fails because
is throwing an exception while parsing java classpath with URIUtil when classpath contains wildcard./mypath/*
- #7951 -
blocks forever during an HTTP2 upload after idle timeout is reached - #929 - Implement a utility class to save large downloads to a file (@arsenalzp)
Special Thanks to the following Eclipse Jetty community members
- @basil (Basil Crow)
- @mojavelinux (Dan Allen)
- @dkaukov (Dmitry Kaukov)
- @LarsKrogJensen (Lars Krog-Jensen)
- @pbhenson (Paul B. Henson)
- @Tony-the-Tech (Tony Copping)
- #12213 - Removed reliance on exception to shutdown non persistent connections
- #12212 - ShutdownOutput for non-persistent HTTP/1 connections
- #12209 - Move h2spec exec to a profile
- #12208 - resolve differences in AliasCheckerSymlinkTests
- #12207 - Jetty Maven Plugin 12.x no longer configures
- #12206 - sendError(-1) is an abort
- #12203 - Fixes HttpClient Content.Source reads from arbitrary threads
- #12199 - fix npe when onCompleteFailure happens after reset
- #12198 - Fix potential NPE from VirtualThreadPool
- #12183 - Fix order of jetty.http.port property for jetty maven plugin
- #12173 - Jetty Maven Plugin - jetty:run does not work with pom type dependencies
- #12172 - change urls to
- #12171 - QoSHandler does not resume on a virtual thread
- #12163 - HttpConfiguration dump is missing entries
- #12154 - Is it possible to define max number of virtual threads when VirtualThreadsExecutor is enabled, i.e. max number of http requests being handled in the same time?
- #12152 - simplify configuration for Antora Collector (@mojavelinux)
- #12133 - Fix h2spec plugin report and upgrade version
- #12124 - JSP temp directory regression, possibly due to fix for #12044
- #12122 - NPE in HttpReceiver.responseContentAvailable()
- #12120 - Introduce properties for cipher suites
- #12113 - Improved handling of 100 Continue
- #12112 - invoker:install should include test dependencies as well as they are used by the tests, this issue can happen only when not snapshots have been deployed of demos new versions
- #12111 - Improvements to HttpSender.
- #12104 - Error handling on ee9 / ee8 with HTTP/1.0 can result in an empty
response header. - #12094 - Possible regression in ContextFactory.getObjectInstance() between Jetty 11.0.22 and 12.0.11
- #12063 - Introduce Jetty module for HTTP/2 client dependencies
- #11926 - File upload puzzle
- #11822 - h2 server responses exceeding SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE do not result in RST_STREAM or GOAWAY
- #11654 - Customizable error page buffer size (@dkaukov)
- #11408 - Jetty start module property values with ${expr} are not being expanded
- #11322 - Change jetty-nosql MongoDB dependency from unmaintained mongo-java-driver to mongodb-driver-sync
- #9121 - Jetty 12 - Flaky BlockedWritesWithSmallThreadPoolTest.testServerThreadsBlockedInWrites()
- #6514 - How to warm up SslConnection
- #3553 - Support sslSession() in Jetty Client