Maintainer needed ! #33
Angulpify generator

Yeoman generator that scaffolds out a front-end web app using angularjs, gulp and browserify
This project is still in early stage of development, so use with caution. API breaking changes at this stage are quite likely.
- Require() everywhere to build a modular application
- Built-in preview server with livereload
- Automagically compile CoffeeScript (you can use plain JavaScript if you prefer!)
- Automagically lint your scripts
- Automagically compile Sass/Less (you can still use CSS too!)
- CSS Autoprefixing
- Automagically compile your Jade (or HTML if you want!) templates into $templateCache
- Awesome image optimization
- Wire-up Bower dependencies easily with browserify-shim
- Bundle your application for two environments (build/release)
For more information on what this generator can do for you, take a look at the gulp plugins.
This generator relies on several technologies, make sure your system has:
- Install:
npm install -g generator-angulpify
- Run:
yo angulpify
- Run:
for building to thebuild
directorygulp --release
for building to therelease
- Go to http://localhost:8080
- Enjoy!
To install dependencies, run bower install --save package-name
to get the files, then add an entry into the browser key of your package.json
More to come.
Skips the automatic execution ofbower
after scaffolding has finished.
PRs are welcome!
This generator is inspired by the Web app generator and by Ben Clinkinbeard's presentation. Thanks to all the contributors!