In this example, we can build a reusable machine-learning workflow using DolphinScheduler and Ray AIR.
Demo from Tabular data training and serving with Keras and Ray AIR
We start the Dolphinscheduler with the following command.
The following ports are used:
- 12345: DolphinScheduler UI
- 25333: pydolphinscheduler SDK to submit the workflow
- 8265: the tray (for training) dashboard
docker run --name dolphinscheduler-standalone-server -p 12345:12345 -p 25333:25333 -p 8265:8265 -d jalonzjg/dolphinscheduler-standalone-server:3.1.4-ray
And then, we can log in to the DolphinScheduler at http://<ip>:12345/dolphinscheduler/ui
python3 -m pip install apache-dolphinscheduler==4.0.0
export PYDS_HOME=./
After we login to the DolphinScheduler, we can see a project
Then, we can see 3 workflows in the project
- start-ray: start a ray cluster in the docker
- stop-ray: stop the ray cluster
- pipeline: train the model in the local ray cluster and deploy the model
Then, we can log in to the ray (for model training) dashboard <ip>:8265
Startup Parameter:
- batch_size
- epoch
Then we can seed the workflow instance of pipeline
, there are for tasks:
- train_model: train model
- serving: deploy the model
- test_serving: test the model serving
We can double-click the test_serving task and click the view log to view the task log. Log as follows.