####with Jeremy Strawn and Breanna Turcsanyi
- Clone the repo (git clone https://github.com/jkstrawn/ThreeSemJs.git)
- Open IndexStart.html in your text editor.
######Using IndexStart.html (The Cube)
- Move the cube
- Move the cube along the y-axis
- Move the cube along the z-axis
- Rotate the cube about the y-axis
- Rotate the cube the other direction
- Rotate and move the cube along an axis
- Change the cube to another Geometry (your choice!)
- Advanced: Start cube in a random position off the screen and have it move onto the screen (hint: use a negative x value and y value a random number between -200 and 200)
- Add a second cube
- Add a second cube (careful, make sure to move it's intial location so they aren't on top of one another!)
- Add an array of cubes and iterate over your arrary to update the position of each cube
######Using Index.html (The Frog)
- Change the cube to a frog
In order to use the js loader, you must host your page.
On Mac: Brew install mongoose. Cd into the project and run mongoose from the cmd line. Open your browser to localhost:8080
This will open index.html. You should see a frog on the page.
Open Index.html in your text editior
Make the frog move along the x-axis
Add more frogs
Set the start positions of the frogs off the screen
Make frogs randomly generate (add a random function to the renderer)
Randomize their starting points off the screen (hint: use a negative x value and y value a random number between -200 and 200)
- Shoot the frog
- Add jquery to the scripts
- Add a click handler to check for clicking
- Remove frog from array if clicked
- Remove model from scene if clicked
- Add a clicked method on the frog object
To see our final solution, open IndexGame.html (note: if you want to run this file, you must rename it to index.html for the hosting)