Control a castle and all it's rooms and inhabitants. Keep your citizens and staff happy in the midst of enemy invasions, famine, and other disasters.
To view the current version, go to:
- Food
- To feed your servants
- To hosts feasts in the castle
- Timber
- For making rooms and adding to the castle
- Used for peasant housing?
- Gold
- For paying militia
- For building more luxurious rooms
- Payments and treaties with other nations
- Tools?
- For building more advanced buildings
- Stone?
- It is a castle after all
- Silk
- Wine
- Spices
- Salt
- jewelry
- leather
- tobacco
- herbs (medicinal)
- dye
- cotton
- charcoal
- fish
- flowers
- gold
- diamonds / gems
- hemp
- books
- sugarcane
- whale oil
- slaves
- Servants
- Provide service inside of the castle
- Need food and happiness
- Riot if morale is too low
- Kill or frighten nobles
- Kill military?
- Then leave
- Have to bring in militia to dissolve riot
- Some servants die in the toussle
- Peasants
- Provide food from farming
- Provide timber
- Need protection from invaders
- Militia
- Provide protection from invaders
- Need gold for payment
- Nobles
- Provide gold from takes
- Need service inside the castle
- Cleanliness / Hygiene
- Chance of disease
- based on # of rooms vs # of servants vs # of nobles
- Morale
- Increase
- Idle time
- Nice rooms (servants quarters)
- Increasing their tech
- Nice resources?
- Entertainment (feasts)
- Decrease
- Starvation
- Working servants harder?
- Crowding
- Torture other servants
- War
- Oppression
- Workers make mistakes when tired
- Chance of rioting
- Previous morale scores affect current morale
- Servants make demands? Then demands being met affects morale
- Court decisions?
- Religion?
- Increase
- Reputation
- View from the outside world
- Chance of getting loan or help during war
- Better trading prices
- Chance of being attacked?
- Luxury
- Higher luxury attracts better / more nobles
- Efficiency
- Servants over- or under-performing
- Alignment
- How evil or good the king is
- Evil -> bloodlust, killing/starving servants, torture enemies, import slaves, force peasants to work even when they are unhappy, force nobles to stay by kidnapping families
- Good -> fair to all, nice, not be evil
- Peasant happiness
- trials / disputes
- taxes
- entertainment
- safety from attackers
- Fear
- Stops servants / peasants from rioting
- Food efficiency
- Militia efficiency
- Servant efficiency
- feast
- banquet
- holiday
- christmas
- easter
- harvest
- may day (you know, with the maypole and stuff)
- joust
- tourney
- fair
- plays
- sports
- hunting
- animal entertainment
- arenas
- duels
- fight club
- send out raiding party
- Drought
- Weatherman can predict it
- Attack from other nation
- Scout can warn ahead
- options:
- fight
- hide in castle
- bribe
- Food rotting
- Village fire
- hall
- Continue to level-up
- Unlocks more rooms
- kichen
- Increase food efficiency
- hygiene
- luxury
- bedroom
- allow noble to move in
- servants quarters
- hygiene
- servants efficiency
- morale
- lavatory
- increase hygiene
- storeroom (non-food)
- store more resources?
- efficiency
- pantry (food)
- store more resources?
- food efficiency
- hygiene
- common room
- chapel
- morale
- religion system?
- luxury
- stewards quarters
- luxury
- effeciency
- bailey / ward / courtyard
- luxury
- morale
- required for certain events? or just make them more effective
- drawing room (parlor)
- morale
- luxury
- study (office)
- efficiency?
- throne room
- luxury
- solving disputes have bigger gains (reputation, alignment, morale?)
- cellar
- Wine?
- closet
- 1/2 bedroom
- wash room (bath house?)
- increase hygiene
- master bedroom (for king)
- luxury
- lords chamber (suite)
- luxury
- cesspit
- theater
- luxury
- morale
- courtroom (archives)
- alchemy lab (apothecary)
- observatorium
- enchanting room
- air lift / stair
- quarry
- wardrobe
- luxury
- tailor
- minstrels gallery
- hospital
- solar
- buttery
- luxury
- bottlery
- library
- luxury
- research points?
- brewery
- luxury
- treasury
- luxury
- increase gold max?
- garden
- oratory (private praying room)
- brothel
- stables
- hygiene
- military
- keep
- barracks (and mess hall)
- casemate (musketry)
- gatehouse
- armory
- forge
- dungeon
- oubliette
- Living
- Military
- Main / Necessary
- Cooking
- Misc
- Advanced
- Luxury?
- Baron
- Earl / Count
- Duke
- Grand Duke
- Regent
- Prince
- King
- Emporer
- Merchant
- Aristocrat
- Open the browser window
- We see a green field of grass gently blowing in the wind with a blue sky and clouds scuttling in the background
- We see we have 10 timber at the top, but no other resources
- Our eyes are drawn to our only clear option: a button to build a hall
- Clicking the button will depress it and create a rotating dashed border around the button
- When we move the mouse over to the field then an outline or a transparent version of the hall is shown over the cursor
- At the top we see it costs 5 wood and will leave us with 5
- As we move our mouse onto elligible spots to place the hall (which is marked by a green glow) then the hall snaps to nearby locations
- Clicking will "CHINK" the hall into place in a cloud of dust as its construction begins (immediate or wait?)
- A new option appears to hire a servant
- The food resource appears
- ...
- Advisors
- Easy to start a game (game auto starts when you open the browser)
- Clear and simple choices to begin
- Limit the view of advanced resources and rooms
- Unlock each citizen: servant -> peasant -> noble -> militia
- Unlock resources: timber -> food -> gold
- Keep slow paced enough that you can play leisurely
- Create way to spend down time
- Clicking a button to get ahead
- "visit the kingdom"? and do what?
- Gray out / don't show other room tabs
- Juiciness (watch that video again)
- Better noble AI (wait longer to move in, move out if too dirty)
- Servants move to other rooms to clean
- servants use stairs
- hire militia
- Each servant chooses his morale?
- Starvation affects morale
- Shrink trash model when cleaned
- Servants should eat food
- Show resources (gold)
- Make awesome UI
- Show stone subtraction on UI when select click room button
- Make it so that rooms dont blend together
- Make side walls different from back walls?
- Construct room shells out of three-js generated boxes?
- Shadows
- Cut out section of room blob when hovering room over it
- Add grass sprites
- BUG: Transparency on room looks weird
- BUG: Light casting to room above the selected room
- Trash model
- More rooms...
- Room furniture
- Update models to use JPGs intead of PNGs (and use better textures)
- Sound effects
- Skin packs
- Holloween skin pack with ghost servants
Credit for the wonderful skybox goes to