Alt Tracker is an app that tracks all of a players characters in World of Warcraft. As Blizzard uses OAuth 2.0 to secure their APIs, I can use OAuth for authentication of a user which is handled through their website. I created this app due to wanting to be able to see all of my own characters data in one place, however as a few friends were interested in it as well I adapted it to include OAuth in order for others to be able to use it for the same purpose.
- Python 3.8.6
- Django 3.1.5
- MySQL 8.0.21
- Bootstrap 4.4.1
- jQuery 3.5.1
- Redis 5.0.7
- Apache 2.4.41
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Accessible by clicking the 'Alt Tracker' button on the home page
- All characters linked to the account are shown in a table with the following columns:
- Faction
- Level
- Name
- Realm
- Class
- Profession 1 and 2 (name of the profession with an embedded link to a page of all recipes the character has learnt)
- Gear (average item level of the characters equipped gear with an embedded link to a page showing the characters appearance)
- Last Updated (how long ago the character was updated)
- Update character button (to update individual characters rather than them all)
- Table is sortable by clicking column headers (by default it will be sorted by character level then item level)
- Clicking the 'Sync Characters' button will redirect to to request access to your World of Warcraft data
- Clicking the 'Refresh All' button will update each character's data in the table one-by-one
- Accessible by clicking the 'Alt Checker' button on the 'Alts' page
- All characters linked to the account are shown in a table with the following columns:
- Faction
- Level
- Name
- Realm
- Class
- Mount (represents the highest level of mount training the character has)
- Garrison (the level of the characters garrison)
- MT (whether or not the mage tower building has been constructed)
- SM (whether the character has completed the shadowmourne quest line, only warriors, paladins and death knights are eligible)
- Table is sortable by clicking column headers (by default it will be sorted by character level then item level)
- Accesible by clicking the profession of a character on the 'Alts' page
- There are several tables of profession data with the following columns:
- ID
- Name
- Link (link to the wowhead page of the recipe)
- Breaks down profession data into separate tables for each tier (Battle for Azeroth, Legion, Warlords of Draenor, etc)
- Accessible by clicking the item level of a character on the 'Alts' page
- You can see the appearance and equipped gear of the character in the same style as in-game and on the offical WoW Armory site
- Hovering over an item will show a tooltip with more info on the item
Export table data to CSV- Allow for storage of in-game keybinds for each character, potentially per spec on each character
This is an example of the website after you have logged in and authroised the app.