This is a project that builds a dotnet global tool that, when run, helps setup a file/folder structure similar to the Microsoft open source projects. The global tool will check for the following items
- Folders
- src
- Files
- .gitignore What is .gitignore?
- .editorconfig What is .editorconfig
- CONTRIBUTING.MD What is a contributing document?
- LICENSE.txt Help with choosing an open source license
- .Net core 2.2 or greater
This global tool is available on the standard package distribution system and you can install it with the following command
dotnet tool install --global DotnetSetupProjectStructure
This will install the tool as a global tool that you can use in any directory.
If you need to install the global tool, please see the "Installation" section.
Once you have the global tool installed, you can run it in two modes.
PreCheck mode - This mode will run a preflight check of your project directory for the standard files and folders. At the end of this check you will get an output like the following of which files/folders exists and which files/folders would get created if you ran the tool in the default mode.
Default - In the default mode of the global tool, it will create files and folders that do not already exist, with some simple defaults. The tool will not overwrite any file or folder that already exists.
To run the global tool in the default mode execute it like the following.
$ setup-project
You should see output similar to the following
To run the global tool in the preflight check mode execute it like the following
$ setup-project --precheck
You should see output similar to the following
- Feature requests - You can use this feature template
- Filing bug reports Use this bug report template
This project is licensed under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE file
John McBride (twitter)