The Library Detector extension discovers which JavaScript libraries are being utilized on webpages that you visit and displays their icons on the Chrome Menu. Currently supports:
- $mol_view
- AmCharts
- AmplifyJS
- Angular
- AngularJS
- ApexCharts
- Backbone
- base2
- Bento
- boomerang.js
- Bootstrap
- Boq
- Brewser
- CamanJS
- Can
- Chart.js
- Chartist
- Closure Library
- ControlJS
- core-js
- Create React App
- CreateJS
- D3
- DC.js
- Dojo
- Drupal
- ECharts
- Ember.js
- Ext JS
- Ezoic
- Fabric.js
- FastClick
- FlexSlider
- FlotCharts
- Framer
- FuseJS
- FusionCharts
- Gatsby
- Glow
- Google Maps
- gRaphaël
- GreenSock JS
- Guess.js
- Hammer.js
- Handlebars
- Handsontable
- Head JS
- Highcharts
- IfVisible.js
- InfoVis
- Ink
- Ionic
- Isotope
- Joomla
- jQuery
- jQuery (Fast path)
- jQuery Mobile
- jQuery Tools
- jQuery UI
- Kendo UI
- Knockout
- LABjs
- Leaflet
- lit-html
- LitElement
- Lo-Dash
- Magento
- Mapbox
- Marionette
- Marko
- Material Design Lite
- Matter.js
- MochiKit
- Modernizr
- Moment Timezone
- Moment.js
- MooTools
- Move
- Mustache
- Next.js
- Next.js (Fast path)
- NitroPack
- Numeral.js
- Nuxt.js
- Nuxt.js (Fast path)
- October CMS
- Paper.js
- PhiloGL
- Pixi.js
- Plotly
- Polymer
- Popcorn.js
- Preact
- Preact (Fast path)
- Processing.js
- Prototype
- Pusher
- Qooxdoo
- Raphaël
- React
- React (Fast path)
- Remix
- RequireJS
- Rico
- RightJS
- Riot
- Sammy
- Scriptaculous
- ScrollMagic
- Sea.js
- Shopify
- SliderRevolution
- Socket.IO
- Spine
- SproutCore
- Spry
- Sugar
- Svelte
- SvelteKit
- SWFObject
- Swiffy
- three.js
- Tween.js
- Two
- Underscore
- Vaadin
- Velocity.js
- Visibility.js
- Vue
- Vue (Fast path)
- WebFont Loader
- Wix
- Wiz
- WordPress
- Workbox
- WP Rocket
- yepnope
- YUI 2
- YUI 3
- Zepto.js
- Zurb
- Clone the Git repo from Github
git clone [email protected]:johnmichel/Library-Detector-for-Chrome.git LibraryDetector
- Navigate to
in Chrome - Expand the "Developer Mode" section
- Click "Load unpacked extension..." and select the
- Andrew Bredow
- John Michel
- Artem Nezvigin (Multiple library icon concept)
- Karl Swedberg
- Joseph Lust
- Eliot Sykes
- John-David Dalton
- Tan Le
- Serkan Yerşen
- Robert Pataki
- Andrii Vakarev
- Allan Esquina
- Derek Peterson
- Arnaud Ligny
- Adrian Chia
- Julian Shapiro
- Olov Günther-Hanssen
- Dmitri Suvorov
- Andrii Vakarev
- François Richard
- Derek Peterson
- Artem Riasnianskyi
- Piotr Kaminski
- Cristian Douce
- Vinicius Reis
- Rick Viscomi
- Emmanuel Krebs
- Patrick Hulce
- Ajaykumar Prathap
- Benni Mack
- Connor Clark
Library detection class inspired by Paul Bakaus' Library Detector for Firefox