This project implements vanilla Javascript concepts such as ```constructor functions``` and prototypes to build a simple [Book Library App] that stores data using an array.
This project was completed in line with standards provided by Microverse.
can add new book to library. The default read/unread status of a new book isUnread
can change thestatus
of a book after they have read it. -
can remove a book from their library.
All books are cleared when the page reloads. Only the default book will be persisted in the library.
- Add a database to persist books using Google SpreadSheets API
- Use Firebase Realtime DB
- Vanilla Javascript
Clone the repository to your local machine
$ git clone
Go to the directory
$ cd library-on-firebase
Open the index.html using your favourite browser
- Github: @johnsonsirv
- Twitter: @vokeugo
- Email: [email protected]
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- Create your feature (dev) branch (git checkout -b feature/[choose-a-name])
- Commit your changes (git commit -m 'What this commit will fix/add')
- Push to the branch (git push origin feature/[chosen name])
- Create a new Pull Request
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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details