Here are some Magento 2.x CLI commands I use once in a while. Using this as my personal notepad, so to speak; might be useful for someone.
n98-magerun2 dev:module:list
php bin/magento module:status
php bin/magento setup:config:set --http-cache-hosts=
varnishlog -g request -q 'ReqMethod eq "PURGE"'
This will create a list of the URLs that caused the most cache misses the last hour.
varnishtop -p 3600 -i BereqURL
php bin/magento config:set customer/captcha/enable 0
php bin/magento config:set admin/captcha/enable 0
UPDATE admin_user SET password = SHA2('[passwd]', 256) WHERE username='[username]';
php bin/magento admin:user:unlock [username]
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento c:c
php bin/magento cache:flush
php bin/magento admin:user:create --admin-user="USERNAME" --admin-password="PASS" --admin-email="EMAIL" --admin-firstname="FIRSTNAME" --admin-lastname="LASTNAME"
cd [MAGENTO_ROOT]/shell/
php indexer.php --status
php indexer.php --reindexall
php bin/magento config:set --scope=website --scope-code=base -- web/unsecure/base_url ""
php bin/magento config:set --scope=website --scope-code=base -- web/secure/base_url ""
magerun2 config:store:set web/unsecure/base_media_url
magerun2 config:store:set web/secure/base_media_url
export SHOPHOST=""
magerun2 --root-dir=/data/web/magento2 config:store:set web/unsecure/base_url https://$SHOPHOST/
magerun2 --root-dir=/data/web/magento2 config:store:set web/secure/base_url https://$SHOPHOST/
magerun2 --root-dir=/data/web/magento2 config:store:set web/unsecure/base_link_url https://$SHOPHOST/
magerun2 --root-dir=/data/web/magento2 config:store:set web/secure/base_link_url https://$SHOPHOST/
magerun2 --root-dir=/data/web/magento2 cache:flush
php bin/magento config:set admin/security/session_lifetime 31536000
php bin/magento config:set admin/security/password_lifetime 0
php bin/magento config:set admin/security/password_is_forced 0
php bin/magento c:f
cd app/design/frontend/ && grep --recursive -l 'cacheable="false"' * && cd ../../..;
cd app/code && grep --recursive -l 'cacheable="false"' * && cd ../..;
cd vendor && grep --recursive -l 'cacheable="false"' * && cd ..;