My NeoVim config for NixOS using NixVim.
To test the configuration on an system with nix run the following command
nix run github:jonwin1/nixvim-jonwin
or from a cloned directory with:
nix run .
Add the configuration as an input
inputs.nixvim.url = "github:jonwin1/nixvim-jonwin";
Then add this to your configuration.nix
environment = {
systemPackages = with pkgs; [
- cmp: Completions
- colorscheme: Nord
- fidget: LSP progress notifications
- gitsigns: Git integration for buffers
- harpoon: Quickly switch between buffers
- lsp: LSP config
- markdown-preview: Preview Markdown in your browser
- telescope: Fuzzy finder
- todo-comments: Highlight, list and search todo comments in your projects
- treesitter: Incremental parsing system for programming tools
- treesitter: Parser generator tool to build a syntax tree of the current buffer
- treesitter-context: Show code context
- trouble: List to help you solve all the trouble your code is causing
- undotree: Undo history visualizer
- vimtex: Filetype plugin for LaTeX files
- whichkey: Keybindings popup