This is a budgeting and Sales tracking system
Clone the repo
Go the git project folder
cd salestrack
Create/activate a Virtual environment in the project folder 3.a if This is the first time, you need to create a Virtual environment in the project folder If you need to install venv in ubuntu system, run command:
sudo apt install python3-venv
``` python3 -m venv django-env ```
3.b if not the first time, then activate only:
. django-env/bin/activate
Install all the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Move to the application folder
cd salestrack
Create the settings file and changeSECRET_KEY
Apply all the migrations
python migrate
- Create superuser
python createsuperuser
The UI for this project is created with React 9. Install npm (if not already installed)
Verify your node version. We are currently running on 12.16.2
Install all required packages
npm install
This will take a while...
- Create the javascript bundle
npm start
- Start the server
python runserver