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Template for creating OpenSearch Plugins

This Repo is a GitHub Template repository (Learn more about that). Using it would create a new repo that is the boilerplate code required for an OpenSearch Plugin. This plugin on its own would not add any functionality to OpenSearch, but it is still ready to be installed. It comes packaged with:

  • Integration tests of two types: Yaml and IntegTest.
  • Empty unit tests file
  • Notice and License files (Apache License, Version 2.0)
  • A build.gradle file supporting this template's current state.

  1. Create your plugin repo using this template
  2. Fix up the template to match your new plugin requirements
  3. License
  4. Copyright

Create your plugin repo using this template

Click on "Use this Template"

Use this Template

Name the repository, and provide a description. We recommend using the following naming conventions:

  • Do not include the word plugin in the repo name (e.g. job-scheduler)
  • Use lowercase repo names
  • Use spinal case for repo names (e.g. job-scheduler)
  • do not include the word OpenSearch or OpenSearch Dashboards in the repo name
  • Provide a meaningful description, e.g. An OpenSearch Dashboards plugin to perform real-time and historical anomaly detection on OpenSearch data.

Fix up the template to match your new plugin requirements

This is the file tree structure of the source code, as you can see there are some things you will want to change.

`-- src
    |-- main
    |   `-- java
    |       `-- org
    |           `-- opensearch
    |               `-- path
    |                   `-- to
    |                       `-- plugin
    |                           `--
    |-- test
    |   `-- java
    |       `-- org
    |           `-- opensearch
    |               `-- path
    |                   `-- to
    |                       `-- plugin
    |                           |--
    |                           `--
    `-- yamlRestTest
        |-- java
        |   `-- org
        |       `-- opensearch
        |           `-- path
        |               `-- to
        |                   `-- plugin
        |                       `--
        `-- resources
            `-- rest-api-spec
                `-- test
                    `-- 10_basic.yml

Plugin Name

Now that you have named the repo, you can change the plugin class to have a meaningful name, keeping the Plugin suffix. Change,, and accordingly, keeping the PluginIT, Tests, and ClientYamlTestSuiteIT suffixes.

Plugin Path

Notice these paths in the source tree:

-- path
   `-- to
       `-- plugin

Let's call this our plugin path, as the plugin class would be installed in OpenSearch under that path. This can be an existing path in OpenSearch, or it can be a unique path for your plugin. We recommend changing it to something meaningful. Change all these path occurrences to match the path you chose for your plugin:

  • Chose a new plugin path
  • Go to the build.gradle file and update the pathToPlugin param with the path you've chosen (use dotted notation)
  • Run ./gradlew preparePluginPathDirs in the terminal
  • Move the java classes into the new directories (will require to edit the package name in the files as well)
  • Delete the old directories

Update the build.gradle file

Update the following section, using the new repository name and description, plugin class name, and plugin path:

def pluginName = 'rename'                    // Can be the same as new repo name
def pluginDescription = 'Custom plugin'      // Can be same as new repo description
def pathToPlugin = ''          // The path you chose for the plugin
def pluginClassName = 'RenamePlugin'         // The plugin class name

Next update the version of OpenSearch you want the plugin to be installed into. Change the following param:

    ext {
        opensearch_version = "1.0.0-beta1" // <-- change this to the version your plugin requires

Update the tests

Notice that in the tests we are checking that the plugin was installed by sending a GET /_cat/plugins request to the cluster and expecting rename to be in the response. In order for the tests to pass you must change rename in and in 10_basic.yml to be the pluginName you defined in the build.gradle file in the previous section.

Running the tests

You may need to install OpenSearch and build a local artifact for the integration tests and build tools (Learn more here):

~/OpenSearch (main)> git checkout 1.0.0-beta1 -b beta1-release
~/OpenSearch (main)> ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal -Dbuild.version_qualifier=beta1 -Dbuild.snapshot=false

Now you can run all the tests like so:

./gradlew check

Running testClusters with the plugin installed

./gradlew run

Then you can see that your plugin has been installed by running:

curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/_cat/plugins'

Cleanup template code

  • You can now delete the unused paths - path/to/plugin.
  • Remove this from the build.gradle:
tasks.register("preparePluginPathDirs") {
    mustRunAfter clean
    doLast {
        def newPath = pathToPlugin.replace(".", "/")
        mkdir "src/main/java/org/opensearch/$newPath"
        mkdir "src/test/java/org/opensearch/$newPath"
        mkdir "src/yamlRestTest/java/org/opensearch/$newPath"
  • Last but not least, add your own instead of this one

Editing the CI workflow

You may want to edit the CI of your new repo.

In your new GitHub repo, head over to .github/workflows/CI.yml. This file describes the workflow for testing new push or pull-request actions on the repo. Currently, it is configured to build the plugin and run all the tests in it.

You may need to alter the dependencies required by your new plugin. Also, the OpenSearch version in the Build OpenSearch and in the Build and Run Tests steps should match your plugins version in the build.gradle file.

To view more complex CI examples you may want to checkout the workflows in official OpenSearch plugins, such as anomaly-detection.


This code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE.txt.


Copyright OpenSearch Contributors. See NOTICE for details.


An OpenSearch plugin to perform latency testing







No releases published


No packages published
