this is hitakana, a silly batch script i made for fun that outputs japanese kana (hiragana & katakana) in utf-8 hex that's formatted to be pasted into any web browser (address bar)
go to src/$real_src and run makefiles.cmd
this will combine all the text files into batch scripts (where main.cmd is the main batch script)
optional: you can run build.cmd to create an exe installer based on iexpress (there are some bugs though, namely the "missing" file)
type %output% %your_input%
where "%output%" is just a remapped echo command with some tweaks and "%your_input%" is the type of kana (%h_ri% will output %e3%82%8a / 0xe3828a)
h_ is for hiragana and k_ is for katakana
one good example is %output% %h_a%%h_ri%%h_ga%%h_to%%h_u% which will print out "%e3%81%82%e3%82%8a%e3%81%8c%e3%81%a8%e3%81%86" (ありがとう)
you can then add this text into the address bar, something like which is the same asありがとう
that's a good one, there's sub builds of hitakana where it focuses on only one kana so you don't have to make your fingers tired like it ran a marathon
i'm thinking about that too. but i have an experimental javascript and json versions of this batch script which you can use, at least for now
i combined (hi)ragana and ka(takana) into "one" word, that's why it's spelled that way