This is the basic starter for getting into frontend development. It consists of some config files (package.json, package-lock.json) and a src
folder with the 3 main files we'll be writing code in:
- index.html
- style.css
- script.js
Both style and script files are already loaded in the main html file. The html file can be open directly in the browser or via a static server by running the following command in a terminal:
npm install
npm run start
If you prefer running the repo in the cloud:
The goal of the bootcamp is for everyone to build a GitHub explorer web application. We'll be using the GitHub REST API to fetch data and implement the following functionality on top of this starter:
- Build a static page with semantic HTML elements
- Style your html tags following this design
- Use JavaScript to dynamically insert tags into your HTML (DOM manipulation)
- Fetch GitHub data from an external API
- Implement search by name
Here's the complete checklist of the concepts you'll be learning while doing this workshop:
- HTML page structure
- Semantic HTML elements
- Headings & paragraphs
- List & list elements
- Anchor vs Button
- Input & Form
- Browser devtools (Inspect element)
- Styling
- Resetting browser styles
- Box model & positioning
- Pseudo selectors (:hover)
- Layout (flex, grid)
- Custom fonts
- Scripting
- String templates
- Fetch API & Promises
- DOM manipulation
- Handling events
- Debugging in the browser
When you don't have a search term, you can use this request to get the most popular repos on GitHub.
- Docs :
- URL :>10000"
- Method :
The same request can be used to search by a term (eg: "react").
- Docs :
- URL :
- Method :