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The purpose of this repository is to collate a collection of benchmarks related to open energy modeling in JuMP. These benchmarks will be used to improve JuMP and HiGHS.

This repository is part of our Open-Energy-Modeling project.

For suggestions and feedback, please open a GitHub issue.


This repository is licensed under the MIT license.


This repository is organized as follows:

  • /benchmark: scripts to run any required benchmarking experiments
  • /instances: a collection of MPS for benchmarking. Files in this directory are gzipped with the default gzip <file.mps>. Filenames are composed by two pieces [PREFIX]-[SHA256] where [SHA256] is the SHA256 of the uncompressed MPS file (to mitigate against potential differences in gzip settings), and [PREFIX] is a name that can be used to trace the origin of that particular model. If no prefix was defined it falls back to UNNAMED. By default, models in this directory are not included by git. Add them with git add -f instances/*.
  • /GenX: case studies and scripts to run models built with GenX.
  • Makefile: a top-level makefile to automate rebuilding the instances, and any other tasks that we end up needed to repeat regularly.

Usage instructions

Rebuild all instances with:

make all


For now, we can rebuild all of the GenX examples with (from the root of this directory):

make genx

To run a particular case, do:

julia --project=GenX GenX/main.jl --case=1_three_zones --run [--write]

See the GenX/main.jl driver script for more details.